WEREWOLF MAGICK – Preorders now / Release Sept. 8!


AWOOO!  Werewolf Magick is now available for preorder, it will be on the shelves on September 220!

I am so very excited- this have been 4 years in the works – I will be devoting most all my blogs to snips from Werewolf Magick and to reveal things that we cut from the book due to space. A second book in currently in the works; WEREWOLF PACK MAGICK…..stay wild and free and well…

.much Love/Will/Wildness- Denny

Werewolf Magick

Publshed by Llewellyn Worldwide- info:




O lord of the forest, wolf mountain and tree

I honor and call you, come set me free

I unleash now, the wildness awakening in me!

Grant now my prayer

So mote it be!


Two years ago I went through a completely unexpected personal disaster. Without warning, I lost my home, my art studio, my temple, my job and even my dog. I was utterly despondent and alone and depressed and traumatized beyond belief.

One night, meditating, in absolute despair, I entered a visionary trance as one sometimes does in deep meditation. There before me was a giant wolf with three eyes, a third eye above the normal two. It felt and seemed so real and it emanated power and compassion. I silently poured out my pain and sorrow to this compassionate spirit wolf and received such a powerfully embracing love and healing and caring I was left astounded. It then offered to show me the truth. A dream? An archetype or vision of the Jungian Self? No, I was ‘told’ by the Three Eyed Wolf, “I am the awakened Animalself you have suppressed.”

In dreams and liminal states, my wolf ‘familiar’ who sometimes appeared as a werewolf, rarely left me in meditation and dreams. It roamed with me, supported me, helped keep me alive and slowly helped me heal my bleeding psychic wounds.

As this happened, with no conscious action on my part, images, books, poems and art about wolves and werewolves came to me on a regular basis. I began to seriously research the subject of werewolves. I grew my beard in, spent more time in the forests, began to spend more time growling and discovered the inner path to my primal animal being that my inner wolf led me to. As I searched through my decades of writings, I discovered that I had been referencing and writing about werewolves off and on since the 1980s but had never really registered this interest until my Animalself-wolf awoke.

I amassed a whole bookshelf of werewolf books so I began to go online and see what was there in the popular arena, I was shocked! Werewolf silliness as well as real historical and magickal curiosity and history were very popular, especially among younger people who seemed to see it in a spooky humorous or even positive light. They were fumbling for a magickal way into the actual magick behind the tropes, memes and horror movies, they sensed what I was actually experiencing and recreating, the eruption of the primal Animalself, the manifesting force behind werewolf magick.

 I am now a hairier, happier, more feral human because I began exploring werewolf magick and practical regular shapeshifting. I look and feel years younger and live a more authentic life. I am more attuned to animals, especially dogs who race to greet me everywhere I go and I am fine being alone in the woods day and night. I fear very little and embrace and enjoy life. Yes, I tend to growl a lot, but all in all I am a better human for being more werewolf. You may feel the same way.

I believe I have uncovered and woven together the essential truths behind werewolves, shapeshifting and its practical application for modern occultists today, all with the help of obscure texts and hundreds of researchers who had bits of the truth. It comes from my wild heart and is authentic.

Here then is Werewolf Magick. It may it offer you the beginnings of a path into the deep primordial forest where the loving but sometimes dangerous beast of our true beast or Animalself lives. Rather than fear your Animalself or cage or muzzle it, bring it forth, become friends with it, embrace and absorb it, its strength, will, power, focus and instinct will help you become a happier, more powerful, more natural being, a true Wer – Wolf or ‘human wolf. So may it be.

In The Wildness, Wyrd and Way, with Joy

Denny Sargent