As one who is a conscious werewolf who like to get wild and howl on the full moons, protecting your ‘wolf den’ (home and space) is important as is Grrrrrowling and projecting BACK OFF to any who seek to mess with you or push you around. But herbs can do a lot for us on werewolf magick! They can banish, curse, heal and remove bad spirits and negativity, as you’ll see.


Plants are potent, powerful and have been linked with werewolf magick for hundreds of years. The stories tell of wolf shifting herbal formulas that used often dangerous, but this isn’t part of this section! We will bypass such intense drugs because there are several such entheogens that are not so dangerous available to the adventurous werewolf sorcerer, so why mess around with dangerous herbs like henbane? Things have moved on!


Here are several simple plant spells for the wolfish magickian and those feral folk who live and breath the feral wolf way:




When someone decides that you are just too weird, too feral or maybe too scary (or loud without all that howling ) the following offers several useful spells:


Needed: A copper penny, gloves, a small knife or clippers


-Using gloves (unless you are really a badass) find in the woods a strong, tall thistle, in bloom if possible. 

Walk around it clockwise, then low growl MAaaaa three times honoring the plant and mother earth, then cut it at the base and plant the copper coin where it grew. Then raise up the thistle and  and growl these words:


Avert all cowen

Begon all strife

Flee my thistle

Or leave this life!



Then, when next you see the neighbor or other enemy who has been making your life hard, without them seeing, point the thistle at them and repeat the chat- saying AVERTAT! (go away!) Three times.

You can then leave it pointing towards that person’s house on the ground or on their property.




Needed: a robust blackberry bush or quince tree with thorns, a small red piece of paper, a darked red pen or marker. You will use this rune:

On the dark of the moon, go out under the black moon and howl in three directions, letting the animal self, your feral wer-wolf power fill you.

Take up the paper and the marker or pen and growl Aluu Thurisaz three times as you mark the ‘thorn rune’ on the red paper while thinking of the person or people who have been making your life hard.

Spit on it three times and go to the quince tree or the blackberry bush and (carefully) impale it upon a thorn with an intense growl!. Then low growl:


As ye harmed me

So back to thee

Black moon see!

You sent harm to me!

So back to thee!

So mote it be!


Then up howl and let it fly and then down howl as you touch the earth to finish the spell; Whisper MAaaa to honor the earth and go.




Being the wild one, the feral neighbor, the toothy werewolf type, you will get a lot of shade and negative juju thrown your way or maybe some bad lick or weirdness comes your way. Whenever you feel the need to change the vibe or get rid of some negative energy, bring these potent plants  into your home or even into the garden. They:


Hydrangea flowers or plants can be placed about the home in vases or planted about your home or grown on your porch


A wreath of dried red chili peppers can be hung on your door, in your home or hung up in a place that is appropriate.


Brew fresh wintergreen and sprinkle about your home and leave a small cup you sip from near your door.


Take two large onions, cut them in half and place them, cut side up in small bowls or cups. They can be placed about your home or around the outside of your home. After several days, take them and bury them in the earth. They will have taken all negativity away.


Get three bay leaves. Place one in your right shoe, take another and write what your trouble is and burn it and leave one under your door mat to banish all problems, especially love or legal ones!


When you do any of these simple spells, you can growl quietly:


lupum deus ita expellat omne malum !

( Translation: wolf god so be it!  banish all that’s  bad! )




Needed: copper pennies as needed, a clean white or green cloth, something to carefully cut the plant, do not use iron to cut the plants, any other knife or scissors is fine.


Here are some plants to gather fresh for feral healing during the waxing moon. When you do find the plant you will take, stop, close your eyes, bring the wer-wolfish power up into your being and visualize the plant glowing and aware as you bond with it then very quietly up howl, sending love and peace to it. When you cut it, place a copper penny in the earth next to it and down howl quietly, honoring the spirit of that plant. Place what you have cut in the new cloth and then take it forth to use.

After you bring each herb or plant home, close your eyes and with hand over the cloth with the plant in it and intensely visualize this symbol: 

While whispering intensely 3x:

 ALUU BERKANA !  ( healing goddess)


Here are some suggested healing herbs to use and how:


St. John’s wort: Best when blooming and collected on a friday or in midsummer. Place in a bowl with salt to keep all sickness away!


Freshly cut Lemon Balm, when placed on a cut, is great for healing it, when the hern is steeped in a cup of hot water and inhales to banish all negative feelings, if you steep some in white wine as an aphrodisiac, especially if placed under the full moon! 


Burdock leaves when scattered about and gets rid of all illnesses.


Fennel fronds and seeds are great for any stomach aches or any issues of the gut. Scatter it about the yard or better plant it, it is a great culinary plant, and it keeps nasty insects and other pests away it is said.Place fresh garlic on the window sill or on either side of the door to keep all illnesses (or plagues!) away.


Mullein leaves are potent for healing, prevent cold if carried or placed in the shoe, it removes all negative spirits if burned in the home and when placed on the forehead with a hot cloth it removes headaches, it is said.


Fresh peppermint  is really powerful, for throat issues and rubs some on the forehead to banish sadness or melancholy. 


A piece of blooming honeysuckle vine if tied into a simple loop and hungis said to cure a fever and bring good luck


Red geraniums are fantastic for healing, use scattered dried flowers about those who are sick or keep fresh flowers in vases or pots and place where it feels right.


Fresh branches and leaves of the following trees are all said to be potent magick for healing and many are good at protecting or bringing luck as well:


Rowan trees, Ash trees, Birch trees,and  Oak trees are all said to be intensely healing or removers of illness or negativity.


If you are ill, wash in a bowl with pure water and use a leaf from any of these trees,  then pour out the water and leaf at the base of the tree you took the leaf from. Growl three times, throw open your claws and let the illness go! This will remove your sickness, so it is said.