Were-wolf Magick Heals Ecosystems  & People

Wolves and by extension werewolf magick heal ecosystems as well as people. This is not an analogy, it is quite real. Right now in my state, WA, and many other states wolf packs are being exterminated. As per usual, we as a species are blind to the delicate web of ecosystems and have no idea how this will destroy Nature. Here is a story about the real and spiritual effects of such mindless destruction of our fellow animals, the wolves who are so close to us.

The Yellowstone park ecosystem, which was in steep decline, was saved by the reintroduction of wolves. The wolves which had lived there for eons, were killed off in the 1930s by humans and overpopulation by elk herds soon followed, decimating the foliage and thus habitats for numerous species. Many of these animals disappeared, trees dies out and much more damage occurred. The whole environment basically unravelled. Wolves were reintroduced in 1995 and a miracle of regeneration happened. It was so pronounced and rapid that it shocked scientists, one of whom stating that he was ‘genuinely surprised by the vast web of life that is linked to wolf kills.’ All the animal, fish and plant species returned and flourished within a fairly short time. The wolves reset the ecological balance of a whole ecosystem because they were the apex predators until us new predators eliminated them out of fear and ignorance. This kind of ignorance and arrogance is why we are on the edge of an ecological catastrophe today. It also brings me to the key ethos behind werewolf magick: We must consciously rejoin our ecosystem, we must own our responsibilities and awareness as apex predators. We must regain the instincts of wolves and live consciously within the Nature, or else. Our Animalself is the key to this.

Our ecosystem is the crucial magick that surrounds our lives. As a species we have shredded the web of life about us, taking and building and poisoning thoughtlessly. We continue to decimate our wild animal kin and thus endangering ourselves, because they are our spirit guides, our ancestors, our teachers, our kin. We have lost our Way and forgotten our true selves. We must remember who we are. This book is all about remembering.

All significant change must begin with remembering that we too are animals within nature. This is where awareness and magick become crucial. For the last thousand plus years we have been programmed into believing that we are the rulers of the Earth and that it is ours to do with as we will. Many religions preach that we are the masters of all living things and are the only living creature with a Soul. This falsehood is the root of our madness, arrogance and thoughtless, excessive consumption of nature.

Werewolf magick offers one of the oldest and deepest answers to this nightmare. Simple primal actions, such as reintroducing wolves, can have astounding effects on our environment just as simple acts of personal transformation can cause magickal effects all around us. If we each awaken our Animalself and remember and utilize our Instinct, Intuition and Insight, we can change the world. This subsuming of materialistic arrogance and superiority is not an easy task and means letting go of much of our civilized programming, but we need to embrace this process if we are to survive as a species.

One our werewolf magick goals is to reintroduce Animalself consciousness into the spiritual ecology of the overly abstract and intellectual esoteric world by owning our Animalself in our lives. As with the regimen of shamans, this takes a lot of wildness work but offers the freedom of rejoining Nature-consciousness as a member, not invader. A secret to realizing this primal magick is painted on prehistoric cave walls, showing that we merge with Nature when we use magick to become a human/animal, in our case, a ‘war-wulf’ or werewolf. Such shapeshifting is a powerful magick native tribal cultures have always had. With this reality shift, we can each fulfill our role in our ecosystem with awareness and humble gratitude.

Werewolf magick emerged as a trigger for this shift in consciousness, a visceral, feral and intense one. It is unlike most other Western magick, the goal being is to suppress the intellect and ego and unleash our primal beast-self, our lower cortex ‘animal mind.’ This ‘deintellectualization’ is somewhat contrary to most occult teachings but opens the door to revelling in our senses, powers and subliminal awareness that only our inner animal has access too. It’s time to return to the animalistic rituals, practices, revels and Wildness within Nature that brings deep and powerful joy, practices that our culture has all but forgotten

When we do the work of werewolf magick, we then embody the timeless and ancient archetype of the shapeshifter werewolf, the animal-man, the shaman who listens and understands the whispers of the forest animals, of the earth and the songs of the moon and stars.

We who have embraced werewolf magick, really know this. We are smart, feral, amazing beasts who can dress in a suit for work and later that night run naked and howling in the woods under the moon. This is real spiritual freedom, this is real visceral life.

This is remembering.

Awaken to your Animalself- Remember!