FERAL MAGICK & NEO-ANIMISM – Winterstar 2024

FERAL MAGICK & NEO-ANIMISM – Winterstar 2024




When you are seated and comfortable begin a simple deep breathing exercise. Breathe in deeply, silently count to seven, hold for seven, exhale for seven, hold for seven and so on until you completely relax and are centered and calm. 


Visualize a glowing ball of bright light in your center, it is your heart, place your hands together on your heart, then slowly open your arms and see a sphere of light form expand from your heart as a sphere of light around you. 


As you relax, become open to all of nature, the earth, and sky and all the greenery about you. 


Breathe deeply and let your mind be still. 


Feel yourself slip into a light trance and let your eyelids half close, do not focus on anything. If you feel your lids closing that is fine too. 


Then, vibrate the sound Ahhh as you exhale and HAaaa as you inhale for a time then just relax. 


In your mind clearly ask for the right Spirit Animal to come and just wait. 


After a time, visualize a light flickering before you. Without trying hard, watch this energy as it flutters or moves. 


Inhale long and slowly vibrating low and quietly AHhh. With  relaxed slightly out of focus half-lidded eyes, without thinking, watch this shifting energy. 

If it is slowly becoming an image just let it flow. Open your mind to it, project love and caring.


 If you feel it is the  Spirit Animal you are asking for, begin to hum from high to low, softly, project love.


If it is a Spirit Animal that has been attracted to you, open your palms in front of you. If the Spirit comes closer to you with open hands, simply relax, do not try hard to do anything, just hum and be open to it. 


This is a time when you are  experiencing the ‘Other’ world of the spirits.  


Open your heart with love. Continue low calm  humming and remain relaxed and calm as it opens to you and you.


Open your mind completely. Ideas, images and feelings may come to you from this being. Simply remain calm and open and full of joy much as you would if a hummingbird came to you.


Ot may acknowledge you and you do the same, silently,  in turn. 


Be open to visions, whispers, feelings…Hold the image of the Spirit Animal in your mind clearly. This is the first communion between you two.


At a certain point the form of the spirit will begin to fade or it will simply fly away. 


Open your hands and bow to the Spirit, honoring it with love and light from your heart.

As you do so, vibrate Eeeee Ahhhh Ooooooo, a descending vibration, a warm parting


Then stand, again bow to the Spirit and the experience.

 Offer the Spirit  the seeds, nuts and berries counterclockwise before yo  as a thank you.


Place your hands on the ground to honor Mother Earth, vibrating MAaaa three times.

Then hold your hands up with your eyes closed to honor and make welcome that spirit that has come. Open your arms and collect the sphere of light you had projected come into you as you then place your hands on your chest and ‘see’ the sphere of light sink into your heart, making you calm and full of peaceful light.  

Then: Clap three times and say whatever words you want to say or cry out AHHH YAA three times as the Spirit goes.  


If only a faint echo of the Spirit Animal comes to you then simply meditate quietly as often as you can on the Animal Spirit you feel might be right for you. Take a walk through the woods and open yourself up to the realm of the Nature Spirits while doing so and silently ask for the Animalself that is right for you, one that is drawn to you.  


The deeper into the Other you go in your meditations, the easier it will be for you to be open enough for the right Animal Spirit to come to you.  


In short  it’s likely that deep down you  are not quite clear on what Animalself is right for you. The spirits will  let you know how to adjust your way of doing this meditation to better connect with them.  


This simple meditation will begin to consolidate the experiences that you’ve had and will bring to you the Spirit Animal that you are destined to work with.







-The Spirit Tablet or a natural stone or log and be used as the altar. It will be  found or set in the center of the area used for the c conjuring in a secluded natural place. It can be a stone that was found by accident or that has some energy for the feral magick animist. It may be consciously sought for in nature while guided by the Animalself to be honored. 

-Items to be placed on the altar stone when doing animist rites. All such items should be simple, primitive and primal. They are best if found or crafted by the animist him or herself. These include:

-A simple container of pure water

– A simple natural bowl for food offerings

– Dried herb, depending on the Animalself. I use Rosemary.

– An all natural sacred rattle or small drum  

-If you wish, a token of the Spirit Animal you work with  

– (optional) Three leaves taken with permission and with thanks from potent trees to place on the Spirit Tablet-altar

-Other items, including natural intoxicants or other items may be present as desired.


The Rite


Stand before the altar and breathe deeply and relax, as you have been doing, expanding your consciousness to fill all nature around you in this ritual place.

Touch the glowing light of your Spirit in your heart,  and then open your arms wide, extending this brilliant light as a sphere of light that fills the area all about you. 

Close your eyes and see it all, then slightly open them as you enter a light trance.You become very calm, listening, feeling and experiencing this beautiful world, sensing, hearing and feeling  everything in silence, expectantly. 

Soon you hear a woodland sound or feel a gentle touch from a Spirit, then begin to whistle a sequence to welcome and call to the living Spirits:

Tones are like: High- down- not as-high- lower tone. 

Repeat for a time and feel the tones opening the Other world-  slide deeper into a trance state. The Spirits of the forest, the green soul of wild nature, will offer a sign. Pause and listen- maybe it will be the cry of a bird, a sudden breeze, the growl of a bear  or just a feeling that many natural forces and Spirits are gently pulling you into the Other. 

Now, spilled some water on the earth and with eyes closed, vibrate:

 HUuuuu HUuuuuuu HUuuuuu …

This draws the attention of all the Nature Spirits and many Spirit Animals in this area to you. You take the herb you have, maybe rosemary, and crush it and simply crush it and scatter it clockwise in a circle about you to the joy of the Nature Spirits, especially the Spirit Animal drawn to you. You inhale the scent of the rosemary and your mind opens to all the spirits and especially your Spirit Animal as you begin a rhythmic chant honoring and expressing joy and communion:

 HAaaa HAaaa HAaaa  

As you do so all your mundane human and other negative vibrations are banished.

Now place your hands on the stone altar and honor its your Spirit Animal partner you is with you as well as  all the Nature Spirits now gathering about the altar as well as Mother Earth and vibrate MAaaa HAaa MAaaa HAaa MAaaa HAaa


Then in thanks and joy, clasp your hands and vibrate PA TAN HA YA three times. Then: 


Taking up the drum, begin to gently begin a rhythm that comes to you from your Spirit Animal, seeking the right drum beat for all the Spirits, with eyes closed. This may take time as you call forth your  Animalself, your deep primal being, by rocking and vibratingo outbreath, inbreath:  AHhhh HA AHhhh HA AHhhh HA as many times as feels right.


Then ‘see’ your Spirit Animal in your ‘inner mind’ very clearly now, it hovers before you or sits upon your shoulder now- this means that the chants and rhythm have been conjured your special Familiar Spirit Animal and you feel joy in the opening bond now.


Spirit Trance


Now, swaying side to side, eyes unfocused, begin to play the same rhythm on your drum (or with your rattle) and exhales AHhhh YA  AHhhh YA  AHhhh YA until the Spirit Animal being conjured whispers another vocalization chant to you … it may be a low growl or howl or the caw of a crow or the hiss of a snake, let your Animal Spirit you work with channel the correct animal-sound through you and flow through you. 


Once you have it, sway to the side, set the new rhythm with your rattle or drum, become more and more feral as your Animalself fully rises up as your human-self sinks into a deep trance. Then, utter mor or several wild animistic calls as the Animal Spirit more deeply channels them through you as your conscious mind sink further into the deep, dark well of your mind as you become one with your feral being, becoming one with all the Nature Spirits as your ‘thinking’ becomes subsumed by the Other as an animal Spirit, one with all the rest..


Keeping the eyes closed or partly closed and unfocused, as this trance state deepens, feel the Animal Spirit hovering above your head now. It is focusing on you and fills your being with a tingling power as you continue drumming or using your rattle as you now rock forward and backwards, exhaling and inhaling with a rumble and you bond.


As your  and your Spirit Animal’s consciousness meet and merge, your Spirits come together as one and your mind is flooded with alien thoughts and feelings, images and wisdom, until a new hum sequence is given to you and fills you and erupts from you and your Spirit animal as the rhythm of your union.


Then: Begin a swaying dance with the Spirit Animal, swaying and rocking with joy.

You may feel the need to rise up and begin standing and dancing and spinning if it feels it is right to do so with your Spirit. 

As one, new sounds erupt from you both as you begin to ‘speak and sing’ meaning emit may sounds that flow, with/through/as the Spirit Animal, uttering what is appropriate: cries, chants, whistles, hums all with important tunes or sequences or  howls, caws, growls, hisses; whatever comes as the Spirit Animal flow through and with you! 


Now, just let the trance state take you as you move, spin or sway,and  ride the rhythm of the drum or rattle and as one you and your Spirit Animal open fully to this moment in the Other world as the many Nature Spirits circle about you with joy and join you both in this dance as you commune with all of these Nature Spirits and with your Spirit Animal.


Dance, rock, chat or growl, just be.


When you are tired and the ecstasy begins to fade, slow down and sit or even lie upon the ground and breathe deeply and be silent and completely open as your Spirit Animal shows you visions of important symbols or places and whispers special sounds, words or secrets to you. 


Let the Earth comfort you, let go of everything, breathe in deeply as the earth steadies and fills you. 


Then begin to rumble: (mouth closed, deep growl-purring, deep in your chest with).

This calms things, including all the Spirits, and centers you.


Soon each rumble becomes longer, softer and lower as your trance state and the visions or interactions with the spirit soften and begin to fade as your union gently disconnects, though the thread between you doesn’t.


Soon the Spirit Animal gently separates from you and hovers nearby as you both silently honor each other and let go. As it leaves you, continue the soft, now calming low rumbling as you slowly come back from the trance, the Earth gently pulling you and supporting you. 


Then take up your drum or rattle and slowly begin a slow 3- beat rhythm with the last beat harder. Your Animalself releases and sinks back down into your deep inner shadow as your human mind arises, gently. 


Sitting or standing, open your arms wide embracing the sphere of light all about you, then pull it into your heart, hands over your heart as it fills the light in the center of your being.


Vibrate HUuuuu HUuuuuuu HU…as you stand facing the altar and raise your arms. 

Do this intuitively, slowly and with guidance from the departing Animalself and begin to let the Other world, the realm of the Nature Spirits, begin to fade.


Take up the rosemary herb you brought and crush and scatter the rest of it  about the circle counter clockwise and deeply inhale the scent which brings you back into your body.


Slowly arise and begin a new ‘farewell’ drum beat/rattle as it intuitively comes from you. Begin to stomp your feet with that rhythm as you completely come back into your body while completely letting go of the trance state as you do so. 

To end vibrate: AHUuuuu AHUuuuuuu AHUuuuuu (high to low tones)  


As you come back to your body and the world of the Nature Spirits fade, begin to walk about the altar and then away from it repeating AH-ha AH-ha AH-ha and sprinkling offerings of seed and so on for the spirits as you do so, your ‘normal’ human consciousness fills you completely and your feral self fades …for now.

Place your hands on the tablet and honor the Earth Mother by vibrating MAaa MAaa MAaa.

When done, pour out  water about and on the Spirit Tablet.

Then say whatever blessing you wish to utter and honor to the Animalself.

Take your items and go, leaving any leftover offerings


Afterwards take time to sit and write or draw everything about the encounter in your journal.






That night, as you go to sleep, try to remember and in your mind recreate the many things your Spirit Animal gave you, and do so as you fall asleep while visualizing the Animalself. Of course, when you awaken, write any dreams or encounters you have in your journal immediately.