Copyright Denny Sargent





















“All we have in our brain is an interpretation.”

Quote by Dr. Behnia, 


Opening to the ‘Other’Neo-Animistic World of Nature Spirits through the Senses


The culture in which we are embedded  tells us on every level that this is a materialistic world, that plants are not sentient, that animals do not have souls, and that we are the only intelligent beings on the planet with souls.  We have been told that God gave us humans dominion over the Earth, Animals, everything.  That is a lie. Nature and the animals and plants and rivers and more have been here long before holo sapiens appeared. I suspect they will be here  after we are gone as well, but we will see if we can once again accept and work with Nature and all her Spirits.


 By simply observing nature, the animals and their interrelationships, and experiencing  the physical but also the mysterious even spiritual way all living things interrelate and weave together, live and die, interact and support each other teaches human beings about how to be consciously aware of animals within nature and the Spirit Animals that connect with them..


We will do a series of exercises focusing on your five senses to help you enter ‘The Other’ and encourage a shift in consciousness to directly  experience Nature Spirits  and open to a new way of perceiving and entering this world, the reality of the Other. Then you will be prepared  to interact with the spirit Animals you will to work with, the goal of Feral Magick.  


Let’s begin with this: Our brain takes in information and then shapes it to fit our preconceived notions. Our upbringing already had convinced us that we know what is real and what isn’t. When I stayed with the Mien tribal people in the mountains of Thailand, most of what we had they did not comprehend and when they showed us the Spirit shrine and pointed out the Spirits in some trees, large stones and a river they were shocked that we could not perceive the Spirits at all nor did many not believed in them. I knew better, We see and comprehend what we have been programmed to see.


Needed: Choose a relaxing, forest the wilder the better.  Wear comfortable walking or hiking clothes, fresh pure water to drink and yourself.


Entering Nature and Opening up


Into wilderness near wherever you live in a relaxed and carefree mood without thinking about anything.  No cellphone, talking, deep thinking or anything distracting! The challenging  part of this process is to hike and experience pure nature without thinking at all with calm, relaxing happiness. Stretch, relax, unwind and wander without a thought. Open your mind and experience the wildness.  When the chattering of your mind fades Focus on deep relaxed breathing and calm. Relax as the stress of your life evaporates: simply be.  As your heartbeat slows and your deep breathing calms you focus on the the beauty around you as you enter into a meditative liminal space. Enjoy. Stop thinking. Let the power of Nature fill you. Hum


Sit, meditate, we will open out Animalself…….MEDITATION RITE…..


Rite of the Animal Self-  Becoming the Feral Animal You Are


Opening up the animalself you are from the deep suppressed unconscious mind opens you to open communication with other animals and especially Spirit Animals.  In this state of consciousness you cease to be a clueless self-centered modern ‘human’ and return to being a more tribal animal who experiences other animals as friends as many tribal peoples do. If you wish to have direct meaningful contact with a Spirit Animal (or any spirit) if must be as someone who is co-equal with animals and Spirit Animals.  This is a simple exercise to awaken the animal consciousness that has been suppressed.



-A place outside in nature, the wilder the better. It will get wild, so avoid neighbors. There should be some trees and you should be both alone and unworried about people watching or interrupting you. Plan for 30 minutes, though it may get longer as you become proficient.

-A Bottle of pure water to drink.

-some natural food safe for animals, birds and so on. Ex: natural nuts, berries, popcorn etc.

-Loose clothing, though none is best if possible.


Once you begin the rite, no human talking or even thinking as you enter trance & invoke your Animalself. The interconnected centers of the brain are activated with language, even when thinking in coherent language structures- this we want to avoid.


Some things to prepare for:

Animalistic non-verbal utterances that feel ‘right’ to you, like Howling, growling, barking, ape hooting and so on. Think about this. 


Rumbling:  mouth closed and deep, light in-chest low grayling, like purring.that is, a quiet ‘rumbling’ noise. This awakens the Animalself and induces trance. 


Trance swaying- to rock side to side, while making intense animalistic sounds that help you unleash your inner animal. This evokes a trance state.


Trance rocking-  to rock forward and back, over and over which intensifies the focus of the trance, inhaling and exhaling growls or other primal sounds as you rock brings the Animalself up from your unconscious mind.


The Fire-Gut center: Called the Dan-Tien in Tai Chi also the fire chakra in yoga, it is the power center in your lower gut and visualized flaming and filling accelerates the Animalself shifting.


The Practice:


Begin by preparing yourself, sit and meditate deeply on what kind of wild feral animal you really are, deep down. Think about what noises you make. If wolfish, then howling and growling, if a lion, maybe big0cat growling and roaring. Up to you.


Feral Banish : After finding a suitable wild natural place, get comfortable and begin rocking and growling AND feel the animalself within you stir and rise as your normal mind shuts down and your normal self begins to sink down into the darkness as your Animalself rises up and fills your body. Do this rocking- intense animalistic roar to the four quarters, visualizing all other energies are being scared away. Then stand in the center and really, loudly roar,while tensing your whole body.


Feral Swaying:  For a while hunch your body as an animal, sway and  rumble as you feel and see your  Animalself arises and as your normal self disappears down into the ‘cave’ the Animalself has been sleeping in. Visualize your mind shutting down, see and feel your normal consciousness sinking down, down into the darkness as your feral Animalself arises and primal consciousness takes over.


Activate the fire center: visualize the fire center in your gut flaming up and filling your body as you shift into a wolf feral creature, as your imagination feeds you!. You can see yourself as wild, animalistic,intense and the fiery aura fills you and soon you see  your animal is taking control of our human body.


Rock and accelerate the shift:  Now rock to and fro, loudly grumbling with every rock forward. This helps the animal-you arise faster and stops all thinking as you realize the intensity of your sensesall explode.


Solidify your Animalself:  Do so by gathering energy from the glowing Nature around you like so: 


Touch the earth with your paws and will Mother Earth to fill you power with- while rumbling  AH- MAAAAAAAAA- AHA! – then breathe in the Earth energy deeply, feeding your Animalself


Then, reach your claws out to either side, eyes closed, and feel the power of the forest and the plants all about you- breathe in and fill yourself with that green energy- as you rumble AH-  HAAAAAAAAAAA  – AHA!


-Now, reach up and feel the power of the sky stars and the cosmos above you – paws in the air, reach up and rumble and vibrate AH-LAAAAAAAAA- AHA!  and let the celestial powers fill and clarify your Animalself.


Once you have achieved this meditative immersion within Nature you can begin to gently open the perceptive gateway to the neo-animistic world through your senses, this Neo-Animistic world we call The Other..





Seeing the Neo-Animistic World, the Other


What is the world? Shamans, meditators, and magicians have been opening up the ‘doors of perception’ for eons.  Neo Animists don’t simply believe in spirits, they are in a state of consciousness where they perceive them and so believe in them. Begin with a relaxed walk in the woods with open senses, mind still and consciousness and EYES wide open – slow down! Really LOOK at stones, bark, leaves, the sky, everything- really LOOK with Animalself eyes. As you slow down and open youll  soon feel if not see that  Nature Spirits are everywhere. Lean against the largest powerful tree you can find and, with kind thoughts, open up, you’ll see.



Hearing the ‘Voices’ of Nature and the Spirits


As you continue wandering in Nature, relax, continue breathing deeply, and let the beauty help you enter a light trance state. Now, focusing only on hearing what is about you.  Close your eyes and let the musical varied sounds of the woods wash over and embrace you as the subtle yet  varied noises about you wash over you! Then calmly walk, keeping your complete focus on sounds as you intently listen and focus on the many bird sounds, songs, Let your mind open to understanding this cacophony. Listen to the song of the wind and rustling of the trees … quieter, subliminal sounds, all humming in subtle ways. The life of the woods is whispering to you as are the spirits. Let the sounds fill you as you begin to ‘hear’ sounds that almost sound like music or whispers around you as you let your light trance state take you into the liminal world of the Other. Nature Spirits embody sounds of Nature that can communicate to your Animal-Spirit, open your mind to what they are expressing.   

You are beginning to communicate with the Spirits in the Other



Smelling. To move further into Nature, focus on your sense of smell to awaken it and reopen that primal sense of your Animalself.


Our Animalself no longer connects deep primal desires or aversion to scent. We have lost touch with our instincts and with ‘the Other.’ We’ve lost the scent of the spirits.  Our civilized brain has disconnected our deep awareness of most scents from our Animal-Self, and thus from most things Natural.  


As you explore, focus completely only on your sense of smell. your sense of smell will wake up and alert your Animalself and embracing Nature

Let the scents of the woods fill you to the exclusion of other senses, deepen your meditative trance and slide deeper into the  liminal world of primal Nature. Immerse yourself in a blanket of natural scents of all kinds. Breathing deeply, and slowly, relax, – take time- smell several trees, pay attention to the differences. Take a handful of dirt-loam and do the same, inhale the scents of different leaves slowly and then the scent of decomposing leaves. Smell EVERYTHING- Animalself/mind open…Marvel and focus with each scent. Smell the moisture, smell the sap from different trees and each elicits different reactions and feelings. Smell a variety of rocks, smell some flowers as all of this opens up your primate self with joy. Each scent offers an immediate visceral reaction from your unconscious mind and your Animal Being as these experiences awaken again a deep reconnection with Nature.  You may also smell something new and strange suddenly as well, in the Neo-Animistic world of the Other, the Spirits are seeking to interact with you, often in a playful manner -through your feral Animal being. 



Touching- To comprehend the Neo- Animistic World and awaken through it as a living part of Nature, you must physically connect with it


Center yourself and awaken to your Animalself, the animal you are, and again breathe deeply,reenter a deeper liminal space.  

Now you will shut down all your senses but that of touch. 

When focused, gently rub your hands together and focus all your senses on what this feels like, flesh on flesh, until they are nice and warm – letting your nervous system remember deep reaction to touch.

Now, sliding deeper into a light trance,  wander– stand before a tree that calls to you and close your eyes and reach out and touch the trunk and gently feel it. really feel the bark slowly, then carefully reach up and gently touch  a leaf. Gently rub it, feel the veins and the elastic cool material of the leaf. Try other trees and marvel at the differences.

Now do the same with some rocks and pay attention to how very different they feel and how each one makes you feel -open yourself to deeper instinctive reactions; which tree feels like a healing tree? Which stone calms you? Now  place your hands on the Earth in several places and see how you react. Do the same with moss, lichen, pine needles, and more. React deeply, intuitively, from each touch, your hands feeling the power and whisper of each. Maybelet your feet do what your hands have been doing and feel. – as you touch the nature spirits are touching back-  it flows into your body. = sense the reactions of Nature and the Spirits through your touch.   Close your eyes as often as you like when you are exploring such primal experiences as your Primal Spirit reacts 



Tasting: To open the deepest animal senses really ‘taste the World of Nature 


Taste is a primary sense of experiencing and enjoying the taste of the wind, the water,  the food and the taste of others though kiss and tongue. Taste offers primal direct connections. We smell roses, but we taste the scent as well. 


As you slowly walk amidst the trees, enter an even deeper liminal state of calm and silencing your mind- ignore all your other senses and inhale through your mouth and with your tongue focused completely on  the rich taste of the forest. Drink some of the pure water you carry, dive deep into how rich it is.  When you come to  a pine tree or maybe a maple, chew on a single needle or tip of a leaf and focus completely and silently conjure the spirit of the tree with love, what do you experience? Try this with a blade of grass. Let the complex feelings and visions of each taste-trance fill you and speak to you.  … to the spirits of trees, animals, wind- everything- ….close your eyes- open your Animalself – place your hands on a tree……

Extend your aura into the tree and meet that spirit gently, commune with it–l the spirits of the ecosystem delight in your awakening consciousness 




Welcome to the real world. Welcome to the Other.

As you wander out of the wilderness, retain this light trance state and awareness of the power and spirits of Nature. 

Meet up: Discuss—- All stand and bring Animaself l Spirit back into your center with your hands, place them on your heart and become still as the iridescent light and life of all Nature fills your body and centers your Spirit with light within the sacred reality of the Other. Through your senses, the portals of your living self as well as through your Spirit, you have parted the veil and with your spirit and Animal-Self you now know the truth: All things are alive. All are conscious in their own unique way.








Once you have done the Animalself work, you will recognize that it helped ‘ reprogram yourself’ and opened up the idea that the world is different than you thought it was. 

You are curious about or have felt an Animal Spirit in your life. Maybe it is a crow spirit, or a cat spirit or a deer spirit, what do you think? What does it feel like?


Remember for a moment your childhood as a toddler when all things were wondrous and you could speak to trees, squirrels and birds and they ‘spoke’ to you. Hold that thought, The goal of feral magick is  to  essentially return to a state of consciousness that reveals the Neo-Animistic world because that is what your toddler-self experienced as many people today in other cultures still do. 


A Waking to the ‘OTHER’ exercise:


Once you are comfortable breathe deeply, relax your whole body and, without thinking deeply, quiet your  constant thinking and open your mind and really see the details in the greenery, really smell the earth, then stand and take time to really touch a tree, and really listen to the birds and really taste the air then close your eyes, and breathe deeply and slowly until you are calm.  Place your hands on your chest and ‘see’ the brilliant light of your Spirit glowing, open your arms and see the light expanding into a sphere of light all about you.  Contemplate all the animals you feel really drawn to,….


 Focused and open intent and being able to sense and become open to the spirit world of the Other is the key. Opening your primal perceptions is everything in the feral world and remember, the spirits are a part of your world now that you know about them. Whenever you do this exercise, end by placing your hands on the earth, bow and silently thanking the Earth Mother, the beautiful green nature about you and all the Spirit Animals. Then stand and go. This simple exercise is potent and will yield amazing results as you continue to open to the Other and see your Animal Spirit.



Of the Rite of the Animal Self-  opening to the Feral Animal You Are


Opening up the animalself you are from the deep suppressed unconscious mind opens you to open communication with Spirit Animals.  In this state of consciousness you return to being a more tribal animal who experiences other animals-human as many tribal peoples and shamans do. If you wish to have direct meaningful contact with a Spirit Animal you must be in-tune with Spirit Animals;  this simple exercise is to do this.


Once you begin the rite, no human talking or even thinking as you enter trance & invoke your Animalself. The interconnected centers of the brain are activated with language, even when thinking in coherent language structures- this we want to avoid.


Some things to prepare for:

Animalistic non-verbal utterances that feel ‘right’ to you, like Howling, growling, barking, ape hooting and so on. Think about this. 


Rumbling:  mouth closed and deep, light in-chest low grayling, like purring.that is, a quiet ‘rumbling’ noise. This awakens the Animalself and induces trance. 

Trance rocking-  to rock forward and back, over and over which intensifies the focus of the trance, inhaling and exhaling growls or other primal sounds as you rock brings the Animalself up from your unconscious mind.

Activating the Fire-Gut center: Called the Dan-Tien also the fire chakra in yoga, it accelerates the Animalself unleashing.



Sit and meditate deeply on what kind of wild feral animal you really are, deep down. Think about what noises you make. If wolfish, then howling and growling, if a lion, maybe big cat growling and roaring. Up to you. YOU MAY USE THESE SOUNDS AS YOU LIKE AFTER THE SHIFT HAS HAPPENED.


Feral Banishing : Get comfortable and begin rocking and rumbling (follow cue)  With forward rocking  intensely rumble-growll, feel the animalself within you stir and rise up as your normal mind shuts down -your normal self begins to sink down into the darkness – your Animalself rises up and fills your body. 

Rumbling rises in intensity NOW unleash animalistic growls/roars  etc as the PRESENTER shakes/drums to the four quarters, as all negative energies are scared away. Then PRESENTER stands in the center and ALL really, loudly roa/howl/growl with their whole body and stand unleashing animalself.

All  Swaying:  Uttering any primal animalistic sounds that flow through them….as  Animalself arises and as your normal self disappears down into the ‘cave’ the Animalself has been sleeping in.Take time, close your eyes. Visualize your mind shutting down, see and feel your normal consciousness sinking down, down into the darkness as your feral Animalself arises and a more primal consciousness takes over.


Rock and accelerate the shift:  Now rock to and fro, loudly grumpling or snarling or whatever feels right with every rock forward. This helps the animal-you arise faster and stops all thinking as you realize the intensity of your sensesall explode.


Solidify your Animalself:  Do so by gathering energy from the glowing Nature around you like so: 


Touch the earth with your paws and will Mother Earth to fill you power with- while rumbling  AH- MAAAAAAAAA- AHA! – then breathe in the Earth energy deeply, feeding your Animalself


Then, reach your claws out to either side, eyes closed, and feel the power of the forest and the plants all about you- breathe in and fill yourself with that green energy- as you rumble AH-  HAAAAAAAAAAA  – AHA!


-Now, reach up and feel the power of the sky stars and the cosmos above you – paws in the air, reach up and rumble and vibrate AH-LAAAAAAAAA- AHA!  and let the celestial powers fill and clarify your Animalself.



 Rite for Opening to All Spirit Animals


All Gather about the altar:

This is a very simple right for honoring all the Spirit Animals.  It is useful as you can open up to all the Spirit Animals and get to know in a sense all the different Spirit Animals and which may bee attracted to you.  Some will simply observe you out of curiosity,  but some may come closer and show interest in you, some you may not expect.  


The Rite:



A lovely place in nature without people.

A simple natural container of pure water and a small natural vessel with seeds (natural bird seed is fine), nuts, and, if you have some,  Berries

You need to be able to whistle and clap.

You’ll also need 2 small twigs from different trees, with leaves or needles from. It is important that you honor the trees and thank them after you carefully take the twigs’

Have a medium size pure cloth or blanket  to sit upon as well.


Once you have found the right  place, lay out the cloth or blanket,  sit down and place the twigs before. Facing East is best but not necessary.


Begin- deep breathing, calming yourself and opening your Primal Spirit and really feeling the power of the earth below you.

 Place your hands on your chest and see the light of your Spirit glow, then open your arms and see the light expand into a sphere of light about you. Then take up  the twigs in your two  hands and cross them in an X upon the earth before you and quietly vibrate MAaaa three times as the energy from the earth rises into you. Feel this glowing power as your breathing deepens, then take up the twigs and open your arms and vibrate YAHH-AHH three times as you call to the Spirit Animals  as your mind empties of all thoughts and worries, leaving you centered, calm and open to the energies flowing about you. Close your eyes and cross the twigs over your heart and then begin whispering YAHH-AHH, slower and slower while lovingly inviting all the Spirit Animals who wish to see you.  To extend this welcome, whistle low softly:


 Whistle a tone, go up a tone, then down to a lower tone than before– repeat this rhythm, slowly several times. When you feel the presence of the spirits, open your arms, half close your eyes and let your eyesight blur and continue to whistle the simple tune.  As you do so, open to the Spirit Animals.  Then slow and soften your whistling and let it fade to silence. 


Breathe in deeply and open your mind and see what spirits come. 

You may simply see ripples in the air or flashes of something or feel something or hear soft noises. All of that is excellent, they are interested. As you go deeper into a light trance, be aware of what comes, and different feelings or visions. 

If interested spirits are curious about you, Begin the same simple whistling again and radiate love, then see what happens.


If a Spirit Animal does come to you, open your mind and connect with it, especially if you get a very clear vision and feeling. Close your eyes, if the image becomes clear, offer love and interest, you have a spirit interested in you. Think about it. 

To end the exercise, vibrate YAHH-AHH three times, thus letting the Spirits know that it is time to  go. Maybe one will seek to  communicate with you, open your mind and send out the thought that you would like that. When done, stand, bow, and honor the spirits, cross and leave them on the earth before you for Mother Earth. 

Then scatter the rest of  seeds and such all about you in a circle for the Spirits and animals with gratitude and a long soft AHH YAA!  

Finally, with your hands coming together at your chest, bring all the light around you into your heart and body and then touch the Earth, gifting all to Her with a long MAaaaa,

Stand, clap your hands and say AHA! And go.




When you are seated and comfortable begin a simple deep breathing exercise. Breathe in deeply, silently count to seven, hold for seven, exhale for seven, hold for seven and so on until you completely relax and are centered and calm. 


Visualize a glowing ball of bright light in your center, it is your heart, place your hands together on your heart, then slowly open your arms and see a sphere of light form expand from your heart as a sphere of light around you. 


As you relax, become open to all of nature, the earth, and sky and all the greenery about you.  Enter the Other (rattle, humming…..)


Breathe deeply and let your mind be still. 

Chant: HUuuuu HUuuuuuu HUuuuuu 

Feel yourself slip into a light trance and let your eyelids half close, do not focus on anything. If you feel your lids closing that is fine too- you are  experiencing the ‘Other’ world of the spirits.  


Then, vibrate the sound Ahhh as you exhale and HAaaa as you inhale for a time then just relax. 


In your mind clearly ask for the right Spirit Animals to come to you and just wait. 

Chant (tone up): AHUuuuu AHUuuuuuu AHUuuuuu


After a time- when you feel the spirits are coming let the chant fade and hum a welcoming Hum- up hum- lower hum

After a time, visualize a light flickering before you. Without trying hard, watch this energy as it flutters or moves. 


Inhale long and slowly vibrating low and quietly AHhh. With  relaxed slightly out of focus half-lidded eyes, without thinking, watch this shifting energy. 

If it is slowly becoming an image just let it flow. Open your mind to it, project love and caring.


 If you feel it is the  Spirit Animal you are asking for, begin to hum from high to low, softly, project love.


If it is a Spirit Animal that has been attracted to you, open your palms in front of you. If the Spirit/LIGHT comes closer to you with open hands, simply relax, do not try hard to do anything, just hum and be open to it. 


Open your heart with love. Continue low calm  humming and remain relaxed and calm as it opens to you and you.


Open your mind completely. Ideas, images and feelings may come to you from this being. Simply remain calm and open and full of joy much as you would if a hummingbird came to you.


Ot may acknowledge you and you do the same, silently,  in turn. 


Be open to visions, whispers, feelings…Hold the image of the Spirit Animal in your mind clearly. This is the first communion between you two.


At a certain point the form of the spirit will begin to fade or it will simply fly away. 


Open your hands and bow to the Spirit, honoring it with love and light from your heart.

As you do so, vibrate Eeeee Ahhhh Ooooooo, a descending vibration, a warm parting


Then stand, again bow to the Spirit and the experience.

 Offer the Spirit  and sprinkle the seeds, nuts and berries counterclockwise before you go as a thank you.


Place your hands on the ground to honor Mother Earth, vibrating MAaaa three times.

Then hold your hands up with your eyes closed to honor and make welcome that spirit that has come. Open your arms and collect the sphere of light you had projected come into you as you then place your hands on your chest and ‘see’ the sphere of light sink into your heart, making you calm and full of peaceful light.  

Then: Clap three times and say whatever words you want to say or cry out AHHH YAA three times as the Spirit goes.  


What if only a faint echo of the Spirit Animal comes to you?   

Simply meditate quietly as often as you can on the Animal Spirit you feel might be right for you. Better yet, take a walk through the woods and open yourself up to the realm of the Neo-Animistic spirits while doing this same meditation and silently ask for the Animalself that is right for you, one that is drawn to you.  


Note: The deeper into the Other you go in your meditations, the easier it will be for you to be open enough for the right Animal Spirit to come to you.  

The Spirit Animals will  let you know how to adjust your way of doing this meditation to better connect with the Spirit that wishes to work with you..  


This simple meditation-rite will begin to consolidate the experiences that you’ve had and will bring to you the Spirit Animal that you are destined to work with if done with intent..











Basic Spirit Animal Rite



-A flat stone is to be used as the altar. It will be  set in the center of the area used for Animis conjuring in a secluded natural place. It can be a stone that was found by accident or that has some energy for the feral magick animist. It may be consciously sought for in nature while guided by the Animalself to be honored. 

-Items to be placed on the altar stone when doing animist rites. All such items should be simple, primitive and primal. They are best if found or crafted by the animist him or herself. These include:

-A simple cup of pure water

– A small rough hewn plate or bowl for food offerings for the Animal Spirit being called

A small container containing an appropriate herb or plant to be burned or presented, depending on the Animalself

– A  pure beeswax candle inset in a natural holder if light will be needed

– A small or medium size drum to be used for animistic rituals. It should be natural and made by -the sigil of that Animalself as indicated in the appropriate integration chart, carved or painted or drawn on a natural surface by the ritualist. 

– Some leaves, grasses or flowers from the area about the altar, arranged as desired..

-Other items, including natural intoxicants or other items may be present as desired.


The Rite


The Feral Magick Animist stands before the altar and breathes deeply, expanding his or her consciousness to fill the area of nature around the ritual place for a time, listening and looking at everything in silence expectantly. The Lord of the Forest, the power of wild nature, will offer a sign, be it a bird cry, the flight of a butterfly, a sunbreake or a clear feeling that the natural forces are  present. 


Some natural water is spilled on the altar and the animist, eyes closed,  vibrates:

 HUuuuu HUuuuuuu HUuuuuu 

This draws the attention of all the Spirit Animals in the area,

The herb is then light or simply crushed to be scattered, depending on the type of Animalself being called. The herb is then taken smoldering or being sprinkled counterclockwise about the altar while the animist vibrates HAaaa HAaaa HAaaa  

In this way all human or other negative vibrations are banished.

The animist places hands on the stone altar and honors its spirit and all the spirits now gathering about the altar as well as Mother Earth and vibrates MAaaa MAaaa MAaaa


Intoxicants may be offered and/or utilized a this time  while vibrating  uuuUuuuuuuUuuuuu. Then: 


Taking up the drum, the animist begins to play, seeking the right drum beat for the spirit being called with eyes closed. This may take time as the Animalself is being called with intoning AHhhh AHhhh AHhhh as many times as needed.

When the Animist sees the Animalself in his or her ‘inner mind’ it means the right rhythm has been conjured by the animist and he or she stands with eyes slightly opened and out of focus.


Animist Trance


Standing and swaying side to side, eyes unfocused, the animist plays the same rhythm and exhales AHhhh AHhhh AHhhh until the Animalself being conjured whispers another vocalization … it may be a low growl or howl or the craw of a crow or the hiss of a puma, let the Animalself teach you and flow through you. Once you have it, sway, drum, utter the animistic call and let your conscious mind sink into the deep, dark well of your mind.


See your Animalself arise from this deep well in the form of the animistic spirit you are calling, be it a snake or a cougar or a hawk or another spirit.


Keeping the eyes partly closed and unfocused, you will see  the Animalself arise as you continue drumming and ‘see’ the Animalself above or the altar, and staring at you.


Begin a swaying dance for and soon with the Animalself, swaying rocking and spinning about several times as you begin to ‘speak and sing’ with the spirit, meaning uttering what is appropriate: maybe a low caw for a crow spirit  or a howl  for a wolf spirit or the or the hiss of a snake or the growl of a bear, all depending on the Animalself being invoked.let the Animalself.


Let the trance state deepen with each spin or sway, ride the rhythm of the drum and open your animalself fully to the anima spirit you are mimicking and uniting with.


When you are exhausted and the Animal Spirit begins to show you visions or speak to you, collapse upon the ground, let go of the drum, lay upon the earth and begin to rumble, like deep growling or purring deep in your chest with mouth clothed. Each rumble becomes a longer and longer vibration and longer as you slide into a deeper trance and the visions or interactions with the spirit intensify.


When the Animalspirit leaves you, continue rumbling, take up your drum and begin to beat a new rhythm of thanks and farewell for the Animalself that is leaving you. Do this intuitively, slowly and with guidance from the departing Animalself.


Slowly arise and continue this new ‘farewell’ drum beat and your deep rumbling, but all with a new rhythm now that comes to you. Rock forward and back as you do this letting go of the trance state and the Animalself as you do so. When it is gone, vibrate:

AHUuuuu AHUuuuuuu AHUuuuuu – end with the sound of the Animalself you had invoked. (Caw, His, Howl etc.)


As you come back to your body and the power of the anima spirit fades, begin to walk about the altar while beating a new, simple, earthing rhythm with your drum, repeating several times AH-ha AH-ha AH-ha…. As you do so. feel your human consciousness arise from the deep well of your inner mind as the influence of the Animalself you danced with fades from your memory…


Take time to sit and write or draw everything about the encounter in your journal.


When done, pour out the water and the food and the herb upon the stone.

Place your hands on the stone and honor the Earth Mother by vibrating MAaa MAaa MAaa 

Then say whatever blessing you wish to utter and honor to the Animalself.


Take your items and go, leaving the offerings on the stone altar.


Opening Communication with A New Spirit Animal Suggestions


When beginning this work it is important to meditate as often as possible, t. It is always best to do this in tandem with your Spirit Animal. This builds a bond and expands communication as well as brings you more in line with access to the Other world of the Neo-Animstic Spirits.

Opening up your Animalself within a deep meditative framework is also opens you  to the liminal Other world by opening your Spirit thus letting Spirits know that you are an ally, desiring a close interaction.     




First, acknowledge when a Spirit Animal comes to you. You will learn to recognize the poke poke poke or gentle subliminal ‘hum’ from that Spirit Animal. When it comes, if it is not an appropriate time, be with the experience, meaning do not think or ask questions but simply exist in tandem with this Spirit and be open and ‘listen.’ 


Some I know who work with such Spirits agree on a few things: 

-Always honor the Spirit. 

-Be receptive, listen and be open to the unusual and sometimes difficult to understand communications from the Spirit. 

-Feelings and empathy are understanding 

-Accept that the experience you are having with that Spirit is valid  and real. 

-Shared ideas and positive attitudes are  crucial to cultivating your interaction with a Spirit that has come to know. 

-Assume you are  interacting with a very ancient being and so you should respect and listen and observe what this being is communicating.

-Be hospitable and emotionally accepting as well: think of it as a meeting with an important or holy person.

-When done, give a simple offering that is appropriate. Of course a Spirit won’t eat the food, but the essence will be absorbed as will the caring it embodies.

Write down everything you experienced in your Journal. Always.




As the relationship between you and your Animalself pal grows, certain things should be apparent. If they are not,  meditate on this. 

As time goes on it should be easier and easier to open to the Spirit World of the Other through liminal light trance and enter a communing Spirit to Spirit conversation. 

The Spirit, when you are in a liminal space, should appear clearer and clearer, a  consistent  visualization. 

Finally, it should be clear that the bond between you and the Spirit you are working with is growing with care and even love. 

It should maintain the reality that this is clearly a relationship of an Animalself nature and not be an incomprehensible complex human interaction.