Pantheacon 2019 Blog Post

Denny Portrait 3


What follows is the collection of invocations, rituals and meditations I will use for my presentation at PANTHEACON 2019.

All of them are excerpts from my most serious work, a complex grimoire of Horned God/ess Magick titled THE BOOK OF THE HORNED ONE. More info on this book is here:

The book will be available for purchase at the actual presentation and at the  Ancient Ways Bookstore, a Vender and sponsor of Pantheacon:

There is also an ongoing FB Page dedicated to The Horned One & Pan Magick open to all, and it can be found here:


After the conference there will be a Pan Magick Discussion Group set up on that page as well.

The Presentation, titled PAN MAGICK, will be given on Saturday Night at 11:00 PM during the conference. Here is a link to that presentation:


By Denny Sargent aka Aion 131 / Panteacon 2019

 (flute music) INTRO

 1.Into my loneliness comes –

2.The sound of a flute in dim groves that haunt the uttermost hills.

3.Even from the brave river they reach to the edge of the wilderness.

4.And I behold Pan].

5.The snows are eternal above, above –

6.And their perfume smokes upward into the nostrils of the stars .

7.But what have I to do with these?

8.To me only the distant flute, the abiding vision of Pan.

9.On all sides Pan to the eye, to the ear;

10.The perfume of Pan pervading, the taste of him utterly filling my mouth, so that the tongue breaks forth into a weird and monstrous speech.

11.The embrace of him intense on every centre of pain and pleasure.

12.The sixth interior sense  aflame with the inmost self of Him,

13.Myself flung down the precipice of being

14.Even to the abyss, annihilation.

15.An end to loneliness, as to all  .

16.Pan! Pan! Io Pan! Io Pan!

 -From Liber Lapis Lazuli, by Perdurabo

Initial Invocation- All:
















What Is Pan Magick?

The ‘Pan Magick tradition’ as outlined in THE BOOK OF THE HORNED ONE

of the earliest spirit traditions as practiced by prehistoric horned sha-

mans. It is found ‘written down’ in cave painting and carved in mega-

lithic shrines, and survives in stories of man/beast transformations,

myths of spiritual human connections with animals and forests and in

the wild revels, songs, dances and festivals where the line between the rational and irrational is erased.


The origin of this system is the ‘Way’ of the Horned One, a half-

human, half-animal symbol of the cosmic evolutionary force, which is

the root of our very being. The Nameless Current of magickal energy

and possibilities is being manifested again in the world today in many

wondrous ways and is being presented in this form to help any person who wishes to expand his or her experience to manifest more joy


Pan Magick, while here presented in some ways as rooted in the

basis of the Western Occult or Magickal tradition, is outside and be-

yond the limitations of this lineage. The forces invoked and used in Pan magick are not rational, are not based on specific ancient languages or number-systems, and are in fact universal, beyond words, and thus accessible to all regardless of initiation or scholarship!


The core of both the theory and practice of Pan Magick lies in our

deep connections with the animal-within, the evolutionary progression

that we embody, and in the wordless and unspoken all-powerful connection we have with Nature but which, sadly, we have mostly lost.

This is found within the genetic code of DNA patterns that contain

all our previous evolutionary stages. The goal of Pan Magick is to re-

member, re-establish and re-new the primal connection between modern egocentric, intellectual humanity and the primal core within each of us.


This book evolved from my encounters with the Pan-Force over a

thirty-two year period of time. These encounters generated both

intuitive wisdom and actual transmitted writings, the chief of which, THE BOOK OF GATE CALLED PAN, forms the theoretical

and spiritual backbone of this work.


This ‘Liber’ and Commentary are in and at the center of this book.

This book also includes key rites and techniques from this ‘Pan Cur-

rent’ of magickal power that anyone can use to reconnect with the pri-

primal passions, feelings, urges and archetypes as it does. 30 years of treading this path has brought great joy but also great traumatic shifts to my poor little ego; be forewarned.


The Great God Pan epitomizes complete freedom and joy, but also

makes humans face their deepest instincts and fears, and then work

through them and then with them. A radical independence is called

forth. You will be dancing to pipes few others hear. For those with the

Will to break out of the false prison of civilized barriers and find their

Path of Bliss through the energies of Nature as Play, this book will of-

fer much. Dance well.

 Pan has many names. I call it the Horned One.

This horned god/ess has been with us from the very beginning,

called in other cultures Pan-Ku, Herne, Cernunnos, Faunus, Satyr,

Kokopelli, An, Pashupati, Khnum, Baphomet, Hathor, Cerestes, IO

and so on. Often representing sexuality, primal animal-consciousness

and pre-consciousness, the horned one represents the earliest connections we have with the Universe-as-Nature. Pan is the manifested axis and manifestation of the endless sphere of Nature, the Great Mother. By reconnecting with this, the world opens up to us and we can cast off the fears, limitations and neuroses that ‘civilization’ has grafted upon us. Pan reminds us that real changes can always occur in our lives right now via PLAY, JOY and LAUGHTER. The book is divided into three sections, the first being the THEORY of the Primal ‘Nameless Tradition’ or Horned One Cult, a brief survey of what it is and how it originated in the prehistoric past, but also how it has been present through every age or ‘aeon’ of humanity. The second section expounds the ‘WORDS’ behind and embodying Pan Magick.

 The BOOK OF GATE is offered and explained as

it manifests and puts together pieces of the deep and important puzzle that is the Pan Current, also called the Nameless Aeon.

The third section explains the PRACTICE of connecting with and

using Pan Magick in very real and powerful ways. Key techniques,

images, sigils and words of power as well as a number of full rituals

are given so that each reader will be able to initiate him/herself in the

Pan Current of magickal energy and become as deeply involved with

this system as he or she wishes. Of course, all words are meaningless in the wake of the touch of Pan, so the adept may pick and choose amongst the practices or ignore these rites and practices completely.

 Once someone has connected with the Pan Current directly, then they have taken the first step in becoming a ‘satyr’ and the wildness of Pan will direct them on the right path. Very real changes will occur when one practices Pan Magick, mental, physical and emotional changes. The end result is more freedom in all of these areas, more openness, and more sheer joy through the facing of primal fears and limitations and of overcoming them.

 But there is also more responsibility and darkness balances the light. This path is a radical one, helping one connect with the most deeply embedded primal passions, feelings, urges and archetypes as it does. 30 years of treading this path has brought great joy but also great traumatic shifts to my poor little ego; be forewarned.

 The Great God Pan epitomizes complete freedom and joy, but also

makes humans face their deepest instincts and fears, and then work

through them and then with them. A radical independence is called

forth. You will be dancing to pipes few others hear. For those with the

Will to break out of the false prison of civilized barriers and find their

Path of Bliss through the energies of Nature as Play, this book will offer much. Dance well.



 (A Simple Theology for a Path with No Theology)


 There is Nothing, It PLAYS; THAT is ALL.

  1. ALL Manifests as Nature.

Nature manifests as (+) and (–).

PAN is the Focus/Awareness of Nature Manifest.

Nature is thus the Embodiment of PAN; PAN is the Body of Nature.

  1. Before ALL was Void and Silence. After ALL is Void and Silence.

ALL manifests as One in Nothingness. Silence.

The Root of ALL is Wordless.

In Void and Silence Pan/Nature Are.

There is NO DEATH: All Things are Alive at ALL times.

  1. PAN is the beating Heart of Nature,

Mankind is the beating Heart of Pan.

In the Balanced Melding of Animal/Human is the Bliss of Being.

Lose the Balance, all is Dis-ease:

Madness on one hand, Petrifaction on the Other.

This has been known as the Balance between Chaos & Order.

There is, in fact, no difference.

  1. ALL is Energy becoming Matter (Nature).

ALL is Matter (Nature) becoming Energy—

This is the Dance of Pan.

This Dance manifests Consciously and Subconsciously.

The Balance of this is Right Intuition = True Will = The Way.

  1. ALL is PanSexual. ALL consensual Sex is Sacrament.

ALL sex is affirmation of the Love of Pan & Nature.

Be-come PAN, Be-come NATURE.

  1. PLAY is the highest form of Prayer, Meditation & Ritual.

In PLAY one becomes PAN & NATURE.

Laughter is the fullest invocation of PAN in

the world, Play is the fullest manifestation of Pan in the world as Action, living

fully every day as Beast/Self is the fullest manifestation of Balance in the world;

Doing so, one becomes ALL and becomes One with Nature,


The Book of Gate Called Pan



The Gate


  1. Begotten is

  1. Begotten as the Nameless Aeon are the words of Pan which lie

feathered and aflame amidst the Morningstar’s rays, unhallowed

and forlorn

  1. Abyss of Abyss, whose name unuttered, is pure and quintessential
  2. The Beyond-Death Flower sings of Vibrational Gateways and

flings beyond them the Words of Aeons already rung.

  1. Smash the pane of refraction’s prison-barrier to find the lair of

Beast-Man who is Hoored in Night’s gold wellspring

  1. The Throne of the Endless One sits in the reflectionless pool, Tao-

filled and still, upon the black and endless Sea-without-water

  1. Bones lie brittle on blasted rubble forming chains of post-evolving


… Gone

….. Gone…….

  1. Forgotten memories locked in Sync—All of Forgotten Ones who

came and left to come again

  1. IO PAN—Who abides in this Place that is No-Place, unlit. Who

is Watcher from Without and Portal Keeper of Genetic Slumber.

Lethe is he filled by and Soma is his sperm, Solar/Lunar are his

cycles. The Eleventh sphere is his home and the mouth with which

he births devouring

94 The Book of the Horned One Will  

  1. Let this ring the Circle set between the thighs of Fusion/Fission,

Illusion risen in the Lasting Sound, never ending, never seen.

  1. Cry to the Silence, cry to the fears of survival that linger in the

bloodied jaws of the Beast

  1. I eat and am eaten, fucking I am fucked, breeding I am bred. In


  1. I am the Void incarnate
  2. I am PAN, and there is NO WORD
  3. All is Ashes…
  4. Cold and colder are the Ice Caves of Forever; therein Entropy

mates with Dissolution in the ending of Those-who-were-with-us

  1. Therein the Children of the Stars dance, forming the Sigils of Evermore
  2. The Dance dances, the Circle cycles, the Sky is open to the Earth.

Nothing is what it will be; all is MUST

  1. Stab the Dark to find the light bleeding through the body and

brain of ALL THAT

  1. PAN, who is Gate in Man
  2. To understand ‘BE’ with the contentment of be-ing in consequence

of the volcanic essence that fills the over-teeming Sea with ONE/


  1. Time and Tide and Image of Matter, Energy fills the frames of


  1. Blood boils and Seasons toil about the Earth
  2. Pillar on the Edge.
  3. Here is the Meeting of All


—7/10/82 Cedar Creek, WA . State Coast




The Gate Open

  1. In lightning-stroke is the Voice of Silence stilled—the beginning

of solitude alike to no other, being, not-being or the escape Be-


  1. Forget these many things that fetter the caged bird unto the fish in

the river

  1. The Tunnels fill with fire overflowing in whirling Alchemical tragedies that linger on the edge of awareness
  2. IT is…….there; Here! Many die, many suffer, many flee, many

vampirize, few are Still. Fewer are beyond the Gates of Purposeful Folly

  1. The sky clears and the moon shatters the stars like a mirror, shards

fly and form a dancing circle of satyr-nymphs.

  1. The Sun rises to embrace this in the hard stones of his breath—

growing old he is slain upon his own altar in his priest-cloak of


  1. The altar is rent asunder and the Beast and his Bride rise up out

of the Earth to trample the Temple under their feet, giving birth to

their Child

  1. He flies from their arms into a star-filled sky, all burning before

him until…

96 The Book of the Horned One Will

  1. A single tail Feather falls into the outstretched crystal hand of the

Little Sister who builds anew the Dream

  1. And I embrace these, I distill these, I destroy and reshape these
  2. Speak to the ecstasy of forgetfulness and I have answered
  3. Say ‘stop’ and I will do this and no Other, yet you shall never

move again

  1. Cry for Death unto me and I shall laugh, for you are dead and

now never will live!

  1. Those cast out have fallen, I gather them within my Net of Stars

and they shall be my Colors

  1. With these I deck myself and the string of worlds entwined about

the Void

  1. I take All, I give All, YOU shall have Naught but All-gain, All-loss

and All-fear shall fountain forth from the midst of these and wash

the sanctuary clean of All dis-ease

  1. I pull you into the wild dark forest where I cover you with ebon

moisture and the sweat of Fear

  1. All my manifold voices wind through the shadow-undergrowth,

the sap of me runs sweet all over you—you are imprisoned by life-

amassed, in the midst of which is my Blasted Heath; the Death

that resides within Life

  1. I am kernel of the Seed
  2. My hairs are the sunset’s fire, my eyes are wells; look deep therein;

the Name, the Number, the Forest

  1. Wine, Blood, Elixir, Honey; It is ALL the same unto I who AM

and AM-NOT

  1. All feasts are mine, as are all JOYS my devising, and I come when


  1. You shall know me by the Taste I leave in your Mouth.


7/15/83 NYC




The Gate Destroyed

  1. In spiral motion is it conceived—the turbulent passing of all incar-

nations into the Great Unbecoming

  1. Then.

You are in my lap, sweet one. I bear you a galaxy in my five-fold

hand outstretched; is not the Void still?

  1. I call you up! As sap pulled up from the roots of Matter and Un-

matter flow with the on-going illusion of That Which Is Nameless

  1. I refine the fear in the flame of union, yes? IO AN—the Nektar

adrenaline is sweet to the inner tongue and I who am half preda-

tor and half prey creep up on you. I prowl about you and stalk

you only to pounce…….and hug you in my loveplay as the Serpent

sinuously encircles the Heart glowing with the cremation embers,

fanned by the wings of a Dove

  1. Cool, let the Ashes cool
  2. You must dance, play and feast, for there is only this. Empty rites

fall away as chaff

  1. HE forms from ALL as a whirling luminescence. I fly through the

7–pointed Gateway and see the Essential Illusion

  1. Words?…
  2. Electron magnetic starfire, trans-flux matrix do I project. Sub-

98 The Book of the Horned One Will ~ Sattvas 99

molecular is the second-sight, thus; invisibility, magick, connec-

tions and illusions

  1. The Matter is simple, the Form complex and many-hued; what of

it? Nothing has changed in the Swirling Out unto the Coalescing

of All into Zero

  1. My horns are the pillars that edge the Abyss and my Eye is the

Gate through which is ingress and egress. I have named the initia-

tion, let me now tell of the Light beyond all lights which is truly

the Heart of which I have spoken

  1. Illuminate the Three Hearts with the Tongue of Emerald
  2. Fill the Azure Tower with the mixture of Gold & Silver
  3. Go to the Wild Places, there and only there am I wholly. In the

Cities I can show only the darker mask for there the green-essence

is banished and that is the fabric of which all my magicks are woven—yet I am ALL so these words are as nothing in the wake of

my Flood

  1. See this Seed before you? Another race to come. And here! One

that has found root in the stellar dust

  1. Spin your star webs—I shall flow from chalice to chalice for

naught is alien to I

  1. Leap in me, Grow through me, Kill in the bloodlust of the ani-

mal and I will BE. What is this urge, this stirring within you?

You pace, frenzy, worry, quarrel—GO! Find the Wild Home you

abandoned for your petty civilized ways

  1. I have seen a thousand thousand civilizations rise and fall upon

the Mother of All Things and She pours the Dust of Aeons into

Her Chalice and I drink thereof

  1. We remain—the Forest that is my Shakti, the Stars that are my

Eyes, my Heart and Phallos, the clouds that fill me and all things

that are seemingly sensed real!

  1. I leap out of All these as the Arch-Archon Maya, the Illusion that

binds all things. Yet by the bonds that web all things are the ten-

thousand things nourished—the ropes of illusion are the veins of

life. HA!

  1. Thus embrace the illusion of Death? If you so will, but my chil-

dren heed here within of which I shall speak plainly—

  1. No-thing has changed or ever was. All illusions change as rapidly

as That-which-projects-illusion changes. I am the Stage and in-

corporate all Pieces in the Game as well as the Player

  1. Each Seed has an essence which it must fulfill as it grows… a

rock is there? Around. Lightening? A new shoot. Disease? A new

branch. Until it too becomes that which will be a Seed again

  1. Nothing dies, the wit is to ask what is not always alive!
  2. I wary now of words and go now to Play; listen…
  3. As pipes play, echoing off the mountains and across the Ocean,

until it fades at the edge of time, the end of All…

9/17/83 Lopez Island, San Juan




Base Chakra ~ The Goat Mask


Connecting & Sensuous Rites



Presided over by:

The Goat of the Sabbath, the Goat God Pan, Goat of Mendes and Lord of the Woods, God/dess of Magick, Baphomet, The Primal Goat of theForest…



(Earth) Practices:


Relink SELF via PAN with NATURE

Love/Know Beast/Self

Love/Know NATURE as Beast/Self

Remember the Way of Beast/Self Living in NATURE




Become aware of the Self (“higher’ self)

Rediscover the Beast (“lower” self)

In/to/through NATURE:

Link the two – Within

Link the two – Without

Remember the ancient gnosis written in your genetic code in glyphs of fire .

Do ALL this with an all-encompassing LOVE of NATURE and of Beast/Self

Genital Chakra ~ The Bull Mask


Sex/DNA: Genetic/Sexual/Feasting & Deep Rites




Presided over by:


Minotaur, bull-headed god of sexual power, Guide of the Underworld,

Gnosis of the Labyrinth. Primal Bull God of many names: Apis Bull,

Goddess Hathor, The ancient Lunar Horns of Pashupati Shiva, Nandi

the Bull, Baal, Oceanus, Dionysus…


Genital-Energy Center (Water) Practices:


All Love is Joy

All Dreams are Real

All Visions are rooted in the Nameless


Connect with the DNA & ancient Atavisms—Ancestors via Pan

Explore the Myths that are at your foundation

Orgasm frequently—Open/Loosen restrictions on Beast/Self

Orgasms in Nature Recharge/Unblock the Beast/Self


Feast, Rejoice, Revel in Comm-Union

Mate, Know, Dream, Explore—Deeply—Doing:

Unlock the psyche, become more attuned and open to your dreams, visions, Inner Voice . Connect with your Genetic code .

Explore the Labyrinth of the unconscious, connect with the deep myths that all to you, in visions, in ritual, in meditation, in the dance of daily Life .


Call to your Dreams and become aware of them . Pan is Lord of the Gate of Dreams and the Bull guards the inner Labyrinth of the unconscious and so is the manifestor of Dreamtime.

The Animal Spirits and Ancestors speak to us in dreamtime, Remove negative programming and feelings about sexuality.

Practice sex in Nature, first alone, then as you will.

Become aware of the physiological changes created by orgasms, the release of tension, the creation of powerful energy fields (Orgone) and the uniting of Self & Beast .  


Energy ‘Chi’ Chakra ~ The Ram Mask


Howling /Prowling & Pouncing:

Rites of Going/Transforming


Presided over by:

The Solar Ram/Golden Fleece, KHNUM—the Creator, Amon Lord

of ALL, The Golden Satyr, HU, the Horned Lion Headed God, Oni, Antelope Goddess


Light Bringer, Cerastes the Horned Serpent, KundaliniShakti. the em-

bodied fiery power of the primal animal alive…


Solar Plexus Center (Fire) Practices:


Re-link with INSTINCTS as Beast/Self

Call to the Animal Powers

Becoming the Animal Powers as Lord of Beasts

Activate Somatic/Body Memory

Remember & Renew Energetics

Let Beast/Self Become the Fulcrum of + & -: Magick!




Become aware of and practice more energy work .

Activate and become more familiar with neurology and your nervous system,especially involuntary patterns, ‘body memory’ or ‘somatic memory’ that is reflexive and automatic, reflecting lower cortex reactions and programs . Prana exercises (HA in, HA out…)


Kundulini, Rajas Yoga, become the Ram of the Sun!

Play with and become familiar with the manipulation of energy  

Work on ‘second sight’ and energetic vision and awareness of live beings outside yourself. Exercise and become familiar with the strength, health and flexibility of your physical body Delight in the physicality of the body-in-motion, the animal pleasures and potencies in dance and work and play as movement .


Work externally and internally on energetic balance and the harmonious flow of CHI . Call to the Animal Powers and bring them in from without to connect with the deep inner genetic atavisms  

Heart Chakra ~ The Stag Mask


Balancing of Beast-Man: Alchemical Rites of Beast/Self

Presided over by: Herne the Hunter, the Wild White Hart, Leader of the Wild Hunt, Cernunnos the guardian of mysteries, Janicot the Lord of the Wood…


Heart-Energy Center (Air) Practices:


Love Nature—Love ALL—Balance ALL

Love Beast/Self & Others (as Reflections of SELF)

Accept Love from Others & Self

Fully Accept & Fully Release ALL emotions

No Judgments, No False-Morals: Balance Love & Will

From the center of Balance, Beast/Self-Love/Will Open the Gate

Become ALL of Time/Space—Energy/Matter

The Alchemical Truth of Nameless Aeonics




Fully embrace internal and external Nature and Beast/Self . Find joy in the physical surroundings of Nature and fully accept and love your own Nature. Evolve. Tread the Shamanic Way. Invoke and bond with your Self or ‘guardian spirit’ and its Center the internal and external expression of your Way or Will through a variety of meditations and means . 

Connect with the Whole Human Race, the species-consciousness, and fully love on a wider sense the species you belong to, your tribe .

Practice letting-go on every level, accepting death, pain, grief as part of Nature and as transitory. Maintain the balance of Self and Beast knowing the fulcrum of that balance is the Heart .  

Throat Chakra – Green Man/Woman Mask


The Wordless, Meditation & Vortex Rites


Presided over by:

The Green Man/Green Woman, Dionysus, Bacchus, Silvanus, Tree

Lord, King of the Grove, Jack O’Green, John Barleycorn, Horned

Osirus, TET, Attis, The Reborn God, Lord of the Greenwood; Tree of


Throat-Energy Center (Spirit) Practices:


Remember to:





Awake/Asleep: BE





The Green Beings do not utter words or sounds as do animals; So

BE The Tree- Meditate every day, in Nature as much as possible . Silence . Buddha received enlightenment under a TREE for a reason .

Hike, roam and prowl in utter silence, being the animal you are, in Nature . This is called ‘walking meditation’ by some, stalking Pan by others . Night is an excellent time to do this in the woods .

LISTEN to the forest, the wind, the earth, the waters; accept the teachings .


Open yourself to Nature . Lay, sit, dance, have sex, eat naked in the wilderness . In silence . Sleep in Nature; receive dreams without interference or restrictions from wires and walls and such .

Walk barefoot as much as possible, naked as much as possible, with open heart/mind/body as much as possible .

Be utterly silent for a time every day . Stop talking every day . Listen .

Be aware more clearly of what you do say, how you say it, and the power

3rd Eye ~ AN


Manifesting as:

Primal Pan

AN—Primal Horned SHIVA. Most ancient God of Shamans

3rd Eye Energy Center ( .)





Be-come CONSCIOUS in Nature as ALL





Your Will with Love

Fully accessing your DNA in whatever way is appropriate .

Owning your own, unique DNA code . Transcending it by tapping into what is Beyond through That Gate .

Becoming Beast/Self as a Star in the arching cosmos of Nature

Transcending ego and Beast/Self to access the ultimate Atman/Buddhi/Eye of Shiva . Dissolution in the Eye of All .

IO AN- I & O—the Seed and the Eye… AN

Crown ~ PAN = ALL


Manifesting/not-manifesting as:



Pan Ku



Horned Dragon







Play, laughter, Tao

No specific rituals or practices are offered

—the adept BECOMES Pan, Pan does as he/she/they pleases



Circle of Pan Magick- Basic Pan Magick Ritual  


This basic ritual can be used for any Pan Magick work of any kind.

It is very simple, calls upon all the powers of the chief Aeonic arche-

types and then manifests the Nameless Current as PAN Magick. This

basic rite can be used for any number of things and, of course, may be adapted at will.


The area should be cleaned and purified as or if you will. If it is wild,

none of this is necessary. Participant(s) should be naked if possible and invoke in a deep, relaxed voice:




I Invoke The Joy of The Mother*

The Essence of All Plant Life


Io Pan!




I Invoke The Power of The Father**

The Blood of All Animal Life


Io Pan




I Invoke The Gnosis of The Son***

The Evolving of All Life


Io Pan




I Invoke The Truth of The Daughter****

The Unity of All Life


Io Pan



I Invoke The Center of All,

The Kernal of The Seed,

The Heart of All Nature



IO AN!!!


Now Center the Space Within:


ARS! (reach or point up)

FORTUNA! (reach or point down)

SATYROS! (reach or point to the right)

PORTUS! (reach or point to the left)

IO PAN! (Touch your heart)



Feel and ‘see’ the green energy of Earth rise up and fill you:

Hold your hands out and down—pull it up!

Feel the azure power of the heavens descend into you:

Hold your hands out and up—pull it down.

The two energies intersect within you.

They spiral together—as they do bring your hands together, right over,

left under and grip your hands in a ‘yin/yang’ hold at your heart.

Center in Chaos, become the axis mundi that holds the energy together,


See the energy flow up your spine as silver, down your spine as gold

and vibrate in balance. You are the Pangil!


(IN SILENCE—Open the GATE that is YOU)



Offer food, wine, and sacraments and so on as desired if desired.

If you do so, Bless, with upper and lower Nature like so:






Always offer some to the Stars, to the Earth and to the animals.

(Other rites/workings may be done at this point as desired.)

When ready to close the Gate (circle) do the same as the opening but

visualize the Gate that is You closing completely:


ARS! (reach or point up)

FORTUNA! (reach or point down)

SATYROS! (reach or point to the left)

PORTUS! (reach or point to the right)

AUM HA! (close hands over your heart)


Hold your hands together and ‘see’ all the energies absorbed by your

body and the excess energies flow through you, cleansing all knots and impurities, and flow down through your feet into the ground.

Make the sign of silence (finger to lips) or cover your mouth.



Let the alchemy settle.


When done, stand with arms open wide and offer the energies to ALL



May All Have Joy

May All Have Happiness

May All Have Bliss

May All Play!


Dance out the circle, spiraling counterclockwise, piping or drumming

or whatever you like, hooting and howling and ending with a long



Touch the Earth and give Nature the leftovers with:


Heal The Earth, Rebirth

Heal The Earth, Rebirth

Heal The Earth, Rebirth





In this ritual/meditation you become the Pangil, the full praxis of Pan.

It can be used for any purpose, including Tantrik or Kundalini work. It

is akin to a Pan Magick Middle Pillar exercise.

Do this amidst the Green, in as wild a place as possible, naked if


Meditate on Pan




Horns thrust into the heavens

Hooves into the deep Earth

Meditate silently on this phrase:


My horns are the pillars that edge the abyss .

My body is the Eye of Pan .

I am the Gate


Close your eyes. See your body as an energy field.


Hands at sides, feel Earth.


Raise them and INHALE ‘HA’  as you raise your hands and the

Green Energy surges up from the earth through your body.


As you pause at each Chakra center let the amassed green energy fill you


As your hands reach up to the heavens, see yourself as a ‘green

mound’ of energy, one with Earth.


Hands up, Inhale three times—bring the Sky Power down through

All body centers it descends as a wave of azure blue. Bring arms down


The rising GREEN energy of the earth mixes with the descending AZURE energy of the sky, Hands are at sides


Now, as the two energies begin to swirl together, raise your hands up

On either side, head-height, palms open, on either side.


In your left hand SEE the MOON;


Silver lunar  energy now running down through the left side of your body, into the earth.

See it glow silver.


In your right hand SEE the SUN; running down through the right side

of your body  golden solar energy, flowing

into the earth. See it glow Gold.


When ready, bring both hands to the center, meeting at the heart

Vibrate HA and see the Silver & Gold meridians spiral to-

gether at the heart;a glowing double helix from crown to base.


They intertwine faster and closer, silver and gold.


Meditate on this phrase:


In spiral motion is it conceived


Then, touching your crown and continuing down the length of your body, bring the energy down to the earth, rooting all in your Base Center and rooted in the earth- a gold/silver/double helix within a sphere of green-blue.


Now, bring the spirialing/helixing combined silver-gold energy

UP through the central channel of your spine, UP, and UP and UP,

inhaling HA Meditate on this phrase:


I call thee up! As sap pulled up from the roots of matter and unmatter.


Once the silver/gold energy has erupted through the crown, through

the field of green/azure, then feel the power of PAN who is ALL

Fill all as pure light beyond light.


Inhale HA as this pure power fills the the PAN GATE that you

have become.


You are now the Pangil,

you are the Gate of Pan.


Meditate on these phrases:


Light beyond all lights . Aum ha!

Is not the Void still?


Finger to lips, absorb all the energy: Become Pan.


When done, raise hands and release excess energy  to the heavens.




Lower Hands to Earth, release excess energy-. Say:




Place hands on heart. Say:


To the Great Beast-Self I AM: HA



Ending Ritual:













The growling….IO AN..


The rhythmic swaying- the circle- rising rising- claws in air:

HOWL unity-




Calling 4 corners- elemental howls


The Big Howl of group spirit & invocation


Silent inhaling of the Pan power –  HA 3x as inhations


Cover mouths- hold & absorb


Paws up -IO AN 3x….growls, yips, howls  of thanks


Touch ground- earth


Growl 3x gently- giving all to Gaia


Group Hug- if practical




By Denny Sargent aka Aion 131

(flute music)

1.Into my loneliness comes –

2.The sound of a flute  in dim groves that haunt the uttermost hills.

3.Even from the brave river they reach to the edge of the wilderness.

4.And I behold Pan].

5.The snows are eternal above, above –

6.And their perfume smokes upward into the nostrils of the stars .

7.But what have I to do with these?

8.To me only the distant flute, the abiding vision of Pan.

9.On all sides Pan to the eye, to the ear;

10.The perfume of Pan pervading, the taste of him utterly filling my mouth, so that the tongue breaks forth into a weird and monstrous speech.

11.The embrace of him intense on every centre of pain and pleasure.

12.The sixth interior sense  aflame with the inmost self of Him,

13.Myself flung down the precipice of being

14.Even to the abyss, annihilation.

15.An end to loneliness, as to all  .

16.Pan! Pan! Io Pan! Io Pan!

  • From Liber Lapis Lazuli, by Perdurabo

Initial Invocation- All:
















What Is Pan Magick?

The ‘Pan Magick tradition’ as outlined in THE BOOK OF THE HORNED ONE

of the earliest spirit traditions as practiced by prehistoric horned sha-

mans. It is found ‘written down’ in cave painting and carved in mega-

lithic shrines, and survives in stories of man/beast transformations,

myths of spiritual human connections with animals and forests and in

the wild revels, songs, dances and festivals where the line between the

rational and irrational is erased.

The origin of this system is the ‘Way’ of the Horned One, a half-

human, half-animal symbol of the cosmic evolutionary force, which is

the root of our very being. The Nameless Current of magickal energy

and possibilities is being manifested again in the world today in many

wondrous ways and is being presented in this form to help any person

who wishes to expand his or her experience to manifest more joy

Pan Magick, while here presented in some ways as rooted in the

basis of the Western Occult or Magickal tradition, is outside and be-

yond the limitations of this lineage. The forces invoked and used in Pan

magick are not rational, are not based on specific ancient languages or

number-systems, and are in fact universal, beyond words, and thus ac-

cessible to all regardless of initiation or scholarship!

The core of both the theory and practice of Pan Magick lies in our

deep connections with the animal-within, the evolutionary progression

that we embody, and in the wordless and unspoken all-powerful con-

nection we have with Nature but which, sadly, we have mostly lost.

This is found within the genetic code of DNA patterns that contain

all our previous evolutionary stages. The goal of Pan Magick is to re-

member, re-establish and re-new the primal connection between mod-

ern egocentric, intellectual humanity and the primal core within each

of us.

This book evolved from my encounters with the Pan-Force over a

thirty-two year period of time. These encounters generated both

intuitive wisdom and actual transmitted writings, the chief of

which, THE BOOK OF GATE CALLED PAN, forms the theoretical

and spiritual backbone of this work. This ‘Liber’ and Commentary are

in and at the center of this book.

This book also includes key rites and techniques from this ‘Pan Cur-

rent’ of magickal power that anyone can use to reconnect with the pri-

primal passions, feelings, urges and archetypes as it does. 30 years of

treading this path has brought great joy but also great traumatic shifts

to my poor little ego; be forewarned.

The Great God Pan epitomizes complete freedom and joy, but also

makes humans face their deepest instincts and fears, and then work

through them and then with them. A radical independence is called

forth. You will be dancing to pipes few others hear. For those with the

Will to break out of the false prison of civilized barriers and find their

Path of Bliss through the energies of Nature as Play, this book will of-

fer much. Dance well.

mal powers, within and without, as embodied in the icon of the horned

and hooved god/dess, throughout the text called the Horned One or

Pan. This horned god/ess has been with us from the very beginning,

called in other cultures Pan-Ku, Herne, Cernunnos, Faunus, Satyr,

Kokopelli, An, Pashupati, Khnum, Baphomet, Hathor, Cerestes, IO

and so on. Often representing sexuality, primal animal-consciousness

and pre-consciousness, the horned one represents the earliest connec-

tions we have with the Universe-as-Nature. Pan is the manifested axis

and manifestation of the endless sphere of Nature, the Great Mother.

By reconnecting with this, the world opens up to us and we can cast off

the fears, limitations and neuroses that ‘civilization’ has grafted upon

us. Pan reminds us that real changes can always occur in our lives right

now via PLAY, JOY and LAUGHTER.

The book is divided into three sections, the first being the THEORY

of the Primal ‘Nameless Tradition’ or Horned One Cult, a brief survey

of what it is and how it originated in the prehistoric past, but also how

it has been present through every age or ‘aeon’ of humanity.

The second section expounds the ‘WORDS’ behind and embody-

ing Pan Magick. The BOOK OF GATE is offered and explained as

it manifests and puts together pieces of the deep and important puzzle

that is the Pan Current, also called the Nameless Aeon.

The third section explains the PRACTICE of connecting with and

using Pan Magick in very real and powerful ways. Key techniques,

images, sigils and words of power as well as a number of full rituals

are given so that each reader will be able to initiate him/herself in the

Pan Current of magickal energy and become as deeply involved with

this system as he or she wishes. Of course, all words are meaningless

in the wake of the touch of Pan, so the adept may pick and choose

amongst the practices or ignore these rites and practices completely.

Once someone has connected with the Pan Current directly, then they

have taken the first step in becoming a ‘satyr’ and the wildness of Pan

will direct them on the right path.

Very real changes will occur when one practices Pan Magick, men-

tal, physical and emotional changes. The end result is more freedom in

all of these areas, more openness, and more sheer joy through the fac-

ing of primal fears and limitations and of overcoming them. But there

is also more responsibility and darkness balances the light. This path

is a radical one, helping one connect with the most deeply embedded

primal passions, feelings, urges and archetypes as it does. 30 years of

treading this path has brought great joy but also great traumatic shifts

to my poor little ego; be forewarned.

The Great God Pan epitomizes complete freedom and joy, but also

makes humans face their deepest instincts and fears, and then work

through them and then with them. A radical independence is called

forth. You will be dancing to pipes few others hear. For those with the

Will to break out of the false prison of civilized barriers and find their

Path of Bliss through the energies of Nature as Play, this book will of-

fer much. Dance well.


(A Simple Theology for a Path with No Theology) – From THE BOOK OF THE HORNED ONE

1. There is Nothing, It PLAYS; THAT is ALL.

2. ALL Manifests as Nature.

Nature manifests as (+) and (–).

PAN is the Focus/Awareness of Nature Manifest.

Nature is thus the Embodiment of PAN; PAN is the Body of Nature.

3. Before ALL was Void and Silence. After ALL is Void and Silence.

ALL manifests as One in Nothingness. Silence.

The Root of ALL is Wordless.

In Void and Silence Pan/Nature Are.

There is NO DEATH: All Things are Alive at ALL times.

4. PAN is the beating Heart of Nature,

Mankind is the beating Heart of Pan.

In the Balanced Melding of Animal/Human is the Bliss of Being.

Lose the Balance, all is Dis-ease:

Madness on one hand, Petrifaction on the Other.

This has been known as the Balance between Chaos & Order.

There is, in fact, no difference.

5. ALL is Energy becoming Matter (Nature).

ALL is Matter (Nature) becoming Energy—

This is the Dance of Pan.

This Dance manifests Consciously and Subconsciously.

The Balance of this is Right Intuition = True Will = The Way.

6. ALL is PanSexual. ALL consensual Sex is Sacrament.

ALL sex is affirmation of the Love of Pan & Nature.

Be-come PAN, Be-come NATURE.

7. PLAY is the highest form of Prayer, Meditation & Ritual.

In PLAY one becomes PAN & NATURE.

Laughter is the fullest invocation of PAN in

the world, Play is the fullest manifestation of Pan in the world as Action, living

fully every day as Beast/Self is the fullest manifestation of Balance in the world;

Doing so, one becomes ALL and becomes One with Nature,

The Book of Gate Called Pan


The Gate

1. Begotten is

2. Begotten as the Nameless Aeon are the words of Pan which lie

feathered and aflame amidst the Morningstar’s rays, unhallowed

and forlorn

3. Abyss of Abyss, whose name unuttered, is pure and quintessential

4. The Beyond-Death Flower sings of Vibrational Gateways and

flings beyond them the Words of Aeons already rung.

5. Smash the pane of refraction’s prison-barrier to find the lair of

Beast-Man who is Hoored in Night’s gold wellspring

6. The Throne of the Endless One sits in the reflectionless pool, Tao-

filled and still, upon the black and endless Sea-without-water

7. Bones lie brittle on blasted rubble forming chains of post-evolving


… Gone

….. Gone…….

8. Forgotten memories locked in Sync—All of Forgotten Ones who

came and left to come again

9. IO PAN—Who abides in this Place that is No-Place, unlit. Who

is Watcher from Without and Portal Keeper of Genetic Slumber.

Lethe is he filled by and Soma is his sperm, Solar/Lunar are his

cycles. The Eleventh sphere is his home and the mouth with which

he births devouring

94 The Book of the Horned One Will  

10. Let this ring the Circle set between the thighs of Fusion/Fission,

Illusion risen in the Lasting Sound, never ending, never seen.

11. Cry to the Silence, cry to the fears of survival that linger in the

bloodied jaws of the Beast

12. I eat and am eaten, fucking I am fucked, breeding I am bred. In


13. I am the Void incarnate

14. I am PAN, and there is NO WORD

15. All is Ashes…

16. Cold and colder are the Ice Caves of Forever; therein Entropy

mates with Dissolution in the ending of Those-who-were-with-us

17. Therein the Children of the Stars dance, forming the Sigils of Ev-


18. The Dance dances, the Circle cycles, the Sky is open to the Earth.

Nothing is what it will be; all is MUST

19. Stab the Dark to find the light bleeding through the body and

brain of ALL THAT

20. PAN, who is Gate in Man

21. To understand ‘BE’ with the contentment of be-ing in consequence

of the volcanic essence that fills the over-teeming Sea with ONE/


22. Time and Tide and Image of Matter, Energy fills the frames of


23. Blood boils and Seasons toil about the Earth

24. Pillar on the Edge.

25. Here is the Meeting of All


—7/10/82 Cedar Creek, WA . State Coast


The Gate Open

1. In lightning-stroke is the Voice of Silence stilled—the beginning

of solitude alike to no other, being, not-being or the escape Be-


2. Forget these many things that fetter the caged bird unto the fish in

the river

3. The Tunnels fill with fire overflowing in whirling Alchemical trag-

edies that linger on the edge of awareness

4. IT is…….there; Here! Many die, many suffer, many flee, many

vampirize, few are Still. Fewer are beyond the Gates of Purpose-

ful Folly

5. The sky clears and the moon shatters the stars like a mirror, shards

fly and form a dancing circle of satyr-nymphs.

6. The Sun rises to embrace this in the hard stones of his breath—

growing old he is slain upon his own altar in his priest-cloak of


7. The altar is rent asunder and the Beast and his Bride rise up out

of the Earth to trample the Temple under their feet, giving birth to

their Child

8. He flies from their arms into a star-filled sky, all burning before

him until…

96 The Book of the Horned One Will ~ Sattvas 97

9. A single tail Feather falls into the outstretched crystal hand of the

Little Sister who builds anew the Dream

10. And I embrace these, I distill these, I destroy and reshape these

11. Speak to the ecstasy of forgetfulness and I have answered

12. Say ‘stop’ and I will do this and no Other, yet you shall never

move again

13. Cry for Death unto me and I shall laugh, for you are dead and

now never will live!

14. Those cast out have fallen, I gather them within my Net of Stars

and they shall be my Colors

15. With these I deck myself and the string of worlds entwined about

the Void

16. I take All, I give All, YOU shall have Naught but All-gain, All-loss

and All-fear shall fountain forth from the midst of these and wash

the sanctuary clean of All dis-ease

17. I pull you into the wild dark forest where I cover you with ebon

moisture and the sweat of Fear

18. All my manifold voices wind through the shadow-undergrowth,

the sap of me runs sweet all over you—you are imprisoned by life-

amassed, in the midst of which is my Blasted Heath; the Death

that resides within Life

19. I am kernel of the Seed

20. My hairs are the sunset’s fire, my eyes are wells; look deep therein;

the Name, the Number, the Forest

21. Wine, Blood, Elixir, Honey; It is ALL the same unto I who AM

and AM-NOT

22. All feasts are mine, as are all JOYS my devising, and I come when


23. You shall know me by the Taste I leave in your Mouth .

7/15/83 NYC


The Gate Destroyed

1. In spiral motion is it conceived—the turbulent passing of all incar-

nations into the Great Unbecoming

2. Then.

You are in my lap, sweet one. I bear you a galaxy in my five-fold

hand outstretched; is not the Void still?

3. I call you up! As sap pulled up from the roots of Matter and Un-

matter flow with the on-going illusion of That Which Is Nameless

4. I refine the fear in the flame of union, yes? IO AN—the Nektar

adrenaline is sweet to the inner tongue and I who am half preda-

tor and half prey creep up on you. I prowl about you and stalk

you only to pounce…….and hug you in my loveplay as the Serpent

sinuously encircles the Heart glowing with the cremation embers,

fanned by the wings of a Dove

5. Cool, let the Ashes cool

6. You must dance, play and feast, for there is only this. Empty rites

fall away as chaff

7. HE forms from ALL as a whirling luminescence. I fly through the

7–pointed Gateway and see the Essential Illusion

8. Words?…

9. Electron magnetic starfire, trans-flux matrix do I project. Sub-

98 The Book of the Horned One Will ~ Sattvas 99

molecular is the second-sight, thus; invisibility, magick, connec-

tions and illusions

10. The Matter is simple, the Form complex and many-hued; what of

it? Nothing has changed in the Swirling Out unto the Coalescing

of All into Zero

11. My horns are the pillars that edge the Abyss and my Eye is the

Gate through which is ingress and egress. I have named the initia-

tion, let me now tell of the Light beyond all lights which is truly

the Heart of which I have spoken

12. Illuminate the Three Hearts with the Tongue of Emerald

13. Fill the Azure Tower with the mixture of Gold & Silver

14. Go to the Wild Places, there and only there am I wholly. In the

Cities I can show only the darker mask for there the green-essence

is banished and that is the fabric of which all my magicks are wo-

ven—yet I am ALL so these words are as nothing in the wake of

my Flood

15. See this Seed before you? Another race to come. And here! One

that has found root in the stellar dust

16. Spin your star webs—I shall flow from chalice to chalice for

naught is alien to I

17. Leap in me, Grow through me, Kill in the bloodlust of the ani-

mal and I will BE. What is this urge, this stirring within you?

You pace, frenzy, worry, quarrel—GO! Find the Wild Home you

abandoned for your petty civilized ways

18. I have seen a thousand thousand civilizations rise and fall upon

the Mother of All Things and She pours the Dust of Aeons into

Her Chalice and I drink thereof

19. We remain—the Forest that is my Shakti, the Stars that are my

Eyes, my Heart and Phallos, the clouds that fill me and all things

that are seemingly sensed real!

20. I leap out of All these as the Arch-Archon Maya, the Illusion that

binds all things. Yet by the bonds that web all things are the ten-

thousand things nourished—the ropes of illusion are the veins of

life. HA!

21. Thus embrace the illusion of Death? If you so will, but my chil-

dren heed here within of which I shall speak plainly—

22. No-thing has changed or ever was. All illusions change as rapidly

as That-which-projects-illusion changes. I am the Stage and in-

corporate all Pieces in the Game as well as the Player

23. Each Seed has an essence which it must fulfill as it grows… a

rock is there? Around. Lightening? A new shoot. Disease? A new

branch. Until it too becomes that which will be a Seed again

24. Nothing dies, the wit is to ask what is not always alive!

25. I wary now of words and go now to Play; listen…

26. As pipes play, echoing off the mountains and across the Ocean,

until it fades at the edge of time, the end of All…

9/17/83 Lopez Island, San Juan

(Embedded with full commentaries in THE BOOK OF THE HORNED ONE)


Base Chakra ~ The Goat Mask

Connecting & Sensuous Rites

Presided over by:

The Goat of the Sabbath, the Goat God Pan, Goat of Mendes and Lord

of the Woods, God/dess of Magick, Baphomet, The Primal Goat of the


Base-Energy Center (Earth) Practices:

Relink SELF via PAN with NATURE

Love/Know Beast/Self

Love/Know NATURE as Beast/Self

Remember the Way of Beast/Self Living in NATURE


Become aware of the Self (“higher’ self)

Rediscover the Beast (“lower” self)

In/to/through NATURE:

Link the two – Within

Link the two – Without

Remember the ancient gnosis written in your genetic code in glyphs of fire .

Do ALL this with an all-encompassing LOVE of NATURE and of Beast/Self

Genital Chakra ~ The Bull Mask

Sex/DNA: Genetic/Sexual/Feasting & Deep Rites


Presided over by:

Minotaur, bull-headed god of sexual power, Guide of the Underworld,

Gnosis of the Labyrinth. Primal Bull God of many names: Apis Bull,

Goddess Hathor, The ancient Lunar Horns of Pashupati Shiva, Nandi

the Bull, Baal, Oceanus, Dionysus…

Genital-Energy Center (Water) Practices:

All Love is Joy

All Dreams are Real

All Visions are rooted in the Nameless

Connect with the DNA & ancient Atavisms—Ancestors via Pan

Explore the Myths that are at your foundation

Orgasm frequently—Open/Loosen restrictions on Beast/Self

Orgasms in Nature Recharge/Unblock the Beast/Self

Feast, Rejoice, Revel in Comm-Union

Mate, Know, Dream, Explore—Deeply—


Unlock the psyche, become more attuned and open to your dreams, visions, Inner

Voice . Connect with your Genetic code .

Explore the Labyrinth of the unconscious, connect with the deep myths that

call to you, in visions, in ritual, in meditation, in the dance of daily Life .

Call to your Dreams and become aware of them . Pan is Lord of the Gate of

Dreams and the Bull guards the inner Labyrinth of the unconscious and so is the

manifestor of Dreamtime .

The Animal Spirits and Ancestors speak to us in dreamtime, Remove negative programming and feelings about sexuality .

Practice sex in Nature, first alone, then as you will .

Become aware of the physiological changes created by orgasms, the release of

tension, the creation of powerful energy fields (Orgone) and the uniting of Self &

Beast .  

Energy Chakra ~ The Ram Mask

Howling /Prowling & Pouncing:

Rites of Going/Transforming

Presided over by:

The Solar Ram/Golden Fleece, KHNUM—the Creator, Amon Lord

of ALL, The Golden Satyr, HU, the Horned Lion Headed God, Oni, Antelope Goddess

Light Bringer, Cerastes the Horned Serpent, KundaliniShakti. the em-

bodied fiery power of the primal animal alive…

Solar Plexus Center (Fire) Practices:

Re-link with INSTINCTS as Beast/Self

Call to the Animal Powers

Becoming the Animal Powers as Lord of Beasts

Activate Somatic/Body Memory

Remember & Renew Energetics

Let Beast/Self Become the Fulcrum of + & -: Magick!


Become aware of and practice more energy work .

Activate and become more familiar with neurology and your nervous system,

especially involuntary patterns, ‘body memory’ or ‘somatic memory’ that is re-

flexive and automatic, reflecting lower cortex reactions and programs . Prana ex-

ercises (HA in, HA out…) Kundulini, Rajas Yoga, become the Ram of the Sun!

Play with and become familiar with the manipulation of energy  

Work on ‘second sight’ and energetic vision and awareness of live beings outside

yourself . Exercise and become familiar with the strength, health and flexibility

of your physical body Delight in the physicality of the body-in-motion, the animal pleasures

and potencies in dance and work and play as movement . Work externally and internally on energetic balance and the harmonious flow

of CHI . Call to the Animal Powers and bring them in from without to connect with

the deep inner genetic atavisms  

Heart Chakra ~ The Stag Mask

Balancing of Beast-Man: Alchemical Rites of Beast/Self

Presided over by:

Herne the Hunter, the Wild White Hart, Leader of the Wild Hunt,

Cernunnos the guardian of mysteries, Janicot the Lord of the Wood…

Heart-Energy Center (Air) Practices:

Love Nature—Love ALL—Balance ALL

Love Beast/Self & Others (as Reflections of SELF)

Accept Love from Others & Self

Fully Accept & Fully Release ALL emotions

No Judgments, No False-Morals: Balance Love & Will

From the center of Balance, Beast/Self-Love/Will Open the Gate

Become ALL of Time/Space—Energy/Matter

The Alchemical Truth of Nameless Aeonics


Fully embrace internal and external Nature and Beast/Self . Find joy in the phys-

ical surroundings of Nature and fully accept and love your own Nature .

Evolve . Tread the Shamanic Way . Invoke and bond with your Self or ‘guardian spirit’ and its

Center the internal and external expression of your Way or Will through a

variety of meditations and means .

Connect with the Whole Human Race, the species-consciousness, and fully love

on a wider sense the species you belong to, your tribe .

Practice letting-go on every level, accepting death, pain, grief as part of Nature

and as transitory . Maintain the balance of Self and Beast knowing the fulcrum

of that balance is the Heart .  

Throat Chakra

Green Man/Woman Mask

The Wordless, Meditation & Vortex Rites


Presided over by:

The Green Man/Green Woman, Dionysus, Bacchus, Silvanus, Tree

Lord, King of the Grove, Jack O’Green, John Barleycorn, Horned

Osirus, TET, Attis, The Reborn God, Lord of the Greenwood; Tree of


Throat-Energy Center (Spirit) Practices:

Remember to:





Awake/Asleep: BE



The Green Beings do not utter words or sounds as do animals; So

BE The Tree- Meditate every day, in Nature as much as possible . Silence . Buddha received

enlightenment under a TREE for a reason .

Hike, roam and prowl in utter silence, being the animal you are, in Nature .

This is called ‘walking meditation’ by some, stalking Pan by others . Night is an

excellent time to do this in the woods .

LISTEN to the forest, the wind, the earth, the waters; accept the teachings .

Open yourself to Nature . Lay, sit, dance, have sex, eat naked in the wilderness . In silence .

Sleep in Nature; receive dreams without interference or restrictions from wires

and walls and such .

Walk barefoot as much as possible, naked as much as possible, with open

heart/mind/body as much as possible .

Be utterly silent for a time every day . Stop talking every day . Listen .

Be aware more clearly of what you do say, how you say it, and the power

3rd Eye ~ AN

Manifesting as:

Primal Pan

AN—Primal Horned SHIVA. Most ancient God of Shamans

3rd Eye Energy Center ( .) Practices:


Be-come CONSCIOUS in Nature as ALL



Your Will with Love

Fully accessing your DNA in whatever way is appropriate .

Owning your own, unique DNA code . Transcending it by tapping into what is

Beyond through That Gate .

Becoming Beast/Self as a Star in the arching cosmos of Nature

Transcending ego and Beast/Self to access the ultimate Atman/Buddhi/Eye of

Shiva . Dissolution in the Eye of All .

IO AN- I & O—the Seed and the Eye… AN—The Spirit of the Nameless

Crown ~


Manifesting/not-manifesting as:


Pan Ku



Horned Dragon




Play, laughter, Tao

Examples of rituals that can help with this:

No specific rituals or practices are offered

—the adept BECOMES Pan, Pan does as heshe pleases

Circle of Pan Magick- Basic Pan Magick Ritual  


This basic ritual can be used for any Pan Magick work of any kind.

It is very simple, calls upon all the powers of the chief Aeonic arche-

types and then manifests the Nameless Current as PAN Magick. This

basic rite can be used for any number of things and, of course, may be

adapted at will.

The area should be cleaned and purified as or if you will. If it is wild,

none of this is necessary. Participant(s) should be naked if possible and

invoke in a deep, relaxed voice:


I Invoke The Joy of The Mother*

The Essence of All Plant Life


Io Pan!


I Invoke The Power of The Father**

The Blood of All Animal Life


Io Pan


I Invoke The Gnosis of The Son***

The Evolving of All Life


Io Pan


I Invoke The Truth of The Daughter****

The Unity of All Life


Io Pan


I Invoke The Center of All,

The Kernal of The Seed,

The Heart of All Nature


IO AN!!!

Now Center the Space Within:

ARS! (reach or point up)

FORTUNA! (reach or point down)

SATYROS! (reach or point to the left)

PORTUS! (reach or point to the right)


Feel and ‘see’ the green energy of Earth rise up and fill you:

Hold your hands out and down—pull it up!

Feel the azure power of the heavens descend into you:

Hold your hands out and up—pull it down.

The two energies intersect within you.

They spiral together—as they do bring your hands together, right over,

left under and grip your hands in a ‘yin/yang’ hold at your heart.

Center in Chaos, become the axis mundi that holds the energy together,

See the energy flow up your spine as silver, down your spine as gold

and vibrate in balance. You are the Pangil!

(IN SILENCE—Open the GATE that is YOU)


Offer food, wine, and sacraments and so on as desired if desired.

If you do so, Bless, with upper and lower Nature like so:




Always offer some to the Stars, to the Earth and to the animals.

(Other rites/workings may be done at this point as desired.)

When ready to close the Gate (circle) do the same as the opening but

visualize the Gate that is You closing completely:

ARS! (reach or point up)

FORTUNA! (reach or point down)

SATYROS! (reach or point to the left)

PORTUS! (reach or point to the right)

AUM HA! (close hands over your heart)

Hold your hands together and ‘see’ all the energies absorbed by your

body and the excess energies flow through you, cleansing all knots and

impurities, and flow down through your feet into the ground.

Make the sign of silence (finger to lips) or cover your mouth. Be STILL.

Let the alchemy settle.

When done, stand with arms open wide and offer the energies to ALL


May All Have Joy

May All Have Happiness

May All Have Bliss

May All Play!

Dance out the circle, spiraling counterclockwise, piping or drumming

or whatever you like, hooting and howling and ending with a long


Touch the Earth and give Nature the leftovers with:

Heal The Earth, Rebirth

Heal The Earth, Rebirth

Heal The Earth, Rebirth



In this ritual/meditation you become the Pangil, the full praxis of Pan.

It can be used for any purpose, including Tantrik or Kundalini work. It

is akin to a Pan Magick Middle Pillar exercise.

Do this amidst the Green, in as wild a place as possible, naked if


Meditate on Pan


Horns thrust into the heavens

Hooves into the deep Earth

Meditate silently on this phrase:

My horns are the pillars that edge the abyss .

My body is the Eye of Pan .

I am the Gate

Close your eyes. See your body as an energy field.

Hands at sides, feel Earth.

Raise them and INHALE ‘HA’  as you raise your hands and the

Green Energy surges up from the earth through your body.

As you pause at each Chakra center let the amassed green energy fill you

As your hands reach up to the heavens, see yourself as a ‘green

mound’ of energy, one with Earth.

Hands up, Inhale three times—bring the Sky Power down through

All body centers it descends as a wave of azure blue.Bring arms down

The rising GREEN energy of the earth mixes with the descending AZURE energy of the sky, Hands are at sides

Now, as the two energies begin to swirl together, raise your hands up

On either side, head-height, palms open, on either side.

In your left hand SEE the MOON;

Silver lunar  energy now running down through the left side of your body, into the earth.

See it glow silver.

In your right hand SEE the SUN; running down through the right side

of your body  golden solar energy, flowing

into the earth. See it glow Gold.

When ready, bring both hands to the center, meeting at the heart

Vibrate HA and see the Silver & Gold meridians spiral to-

gether at the heart;a glowing double helix from crown to base.

They intertwine faster and closer, silver and gold.

Meditate on this phrase:

In spiral motion is it conceived

Then, touching your crown and continuing down the length of your body, bring the energy

down to the earth, rooting all in your Base Center and rooted in the earth- a

gold/silver/double helix within a sphere of green-blue.

Now, bring the spirialing/helixing combined silver-gold energy

UP through the central channel of your spine, UP, and UP and UP,

inhaling HA Meditate on this phrase:

I call thee up! As sap pulled up from the roots of matter and unmatter .

Once the silver/gold energy has erupted through the crown, through

the field of green/azure, then feel the power of PAN who is ALL

Fill all as pure light beyond light.

Inhale HAas this pure power fills the the PAN GATE that you

have become.

You are now the Pangil, you are the Gate of Pan.

Meditate on these phrases:

Light beyond all lights . Aum ha!

Is not the Void still?

Finger to lips, absorb all the energy: Become Pan.

When done, raise hands and release excess energy  to the heavens.


Lower Hands to Earth, release excess energy-. Say:


Place hands on heart. Say:

To the Great Beast-Self I AM: HAEnding Ritual: Created for Pantheacon 2019










The growling….IO AN..

The rhythmic swaying- the circle- rising rising- claws in air: HOWL unity- HAAAAA!

Calling 4 corners- elemental howls

The Big Howl of group spirit & invocation

Silent inhaling of the Pan power –  HA 3x as inhations

Cover mouths- hold & absorb

Paws up -IO AN 3x….growls, yips, howls  of thanks

Touch ground- earth

Growl 3x gently- giving all to Gaia

Group Hug- if practical




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