Invocation for the Protection of All Wild and Endangered Animals
Great God of the Forests and All Wild Creatures!
We invoke you!!
O Pashupati Shiva, God of Beasts , Namaste!
We invoke you O Lord of All Wild animals.
We call you by all your sacred names!
Come O AN, Rudra, Bhav!
Herne, Cerrnunnos, Faunus and Pan!
Come by every Name remembered or forgotten.
By the divine power and name of the One you Honor and protect,
The Great Mother Earth!
Come and aid us in this dire time of extinction and slaughter of the wild ones!
We call you out of great need, in pain and deep sadness
You who personify the wildness, the wilderness, the alive and primal ecosystem
And the voice of all who live there in balance
You, Great Feral God, you who have many names arise now from every land!
Lord of beasts, of the wilderness,
of the furred and human peoples of the forests, oceans, mountains and skies,
We call you new with howls of anger and tears of despair with desperate chants
to come now at the hour of our greatest need!
Come in wrath come against the despoilers, come in parenting love come in feral beauty
Come in haste and come with power and howls
Come and protect your wild endangered children!
Protect them oh Lord of the beasts, for they are being slaughtered and starved and hunted!
Come, wrap your shaggy arms
around those who are being destroyed, enslaved and driven to extinction
Heed their cries and bellows and howls and trumpeted fear and cries of pain
Save them in any way you gan oh great thunderting Lord of Wildness!
We invoke you now O Great Lord of Beasts,
you who are furred and clawed and horned and hoofed with fangs bared and burning eyes!
Great Lord and Guardian of our Mother Nature we cry out to you!
Protect your wild children, protect your green lover, Goddess Ecosystem,
who dances as the healthy forests and grasslands, rivers and jungles!
Protect your your MotherEarth and all your wild furred and horned and winged children!
O Lord of the animals, Lord of the wild ones, your furred children are dying at your feet and as your tree-filled temples are destroyed and burned!
Save us! They cry out in a million cries, howls and screeches!
Halt the man-made extinctions, the endless slashing and burning, slaughtering and despoiling!
Stop them O mighty Lord of Beasts with your shouts of Panic, storms and thunders!
Stop the demon-humans with their sharp steel teeth and claws that grind and shred all life
Those who fill the skies with stench and death and killing greed
Halt the befouling of the air and poisoning of the waters
Destroy those with bloody hands, shriveled hearts, dead eyes
and endless consuming hunger that destroys all things!
Attack them with your wild feral, wake them up from their suicidal rampage,
blast them with your bestial eyes of justice and fire!
Let them awake and flee their devouring destruction
With your earth-shaking dance and your howling hurricane mantras of protection and Karma!
Stop those who would kill your wild children for sport or pleasure
or from sadistic jealousy born of forgetting and suppressing their own animal spirits!
All the lovers of wilderness and nature, all green and feral men and women call you!
Forest Lord of all that is wild, you who are covered in trees and waterfalls, who wear fur and fangs and horns, claws and paws, come forth and protect your wild children now!
Block and banish those who profit by the death and destruction of nature!
Erase those who would decimate the trees and destroy the habitat and ecosystems that protect the wild beasts and the peoples of nature
Great Lord of Beasts, we call you by all your many names and Masks!
Be you God or Goddess, Spirit or Living Power of Nature, Elemental or Wild One of the Woods
You who have Grown with the Planet as living heart of the wilderness and all it’s life
You who have guarded and nurtured from the oldest times
You are the gentle but fierce green flame of our primal stories and prayers,
from the ancestor-time when animals and humans shared and spoke and lives as one!
Save us all! Save our wild brothers and sisters! Stop the slaughter Now!
We invoke you with the howls of pain and the death bellows
The heart-wrenching cries of butchered rhinos, elephants, dolphins and whales,
the screams of dying apes and orangutans and gorillas, our very kin!
All these and many more are now sliding into the darkness of extinction! Save them!
As one they call to you oh egregore of wilderness, and all primal and natural life!
COME! Save them! Stop the slaughter!
Lord of fur and fang and horns! Stop the horror! End the slaughter! Repel the evil ones!
Growl as the big cats, bellow as the bulls and bucks!
Pounce as the tiger and lion, and bear, tear, rend and slash with talons and claws!
Protect your forests and jungles and crush those who destroy your wild children !
Now is the time to arise with the power of the angry and loving and terrified parent!
Fill our hearts as we call to you now! We empower and compel you, Come!
From our power and spirit and from all those who believe in the wildness,
Those who are brothers and sisters to the beasts and birds and all wild ones,
We charge you to save and protect the wild animals!
Our wild brothers and sisters are being slaughtered needlessly, pointlessly
by greed and blindness and the mudslide of overpopulation !
May wildness survive! May balance and sanity be restored!
By this cacophony of terror and anger and deep sadness of the wild ones
Gather the pain and anger and injustice and arise from the burning forests!
Come now and begin your dance of rage and sorrow, of balancing and protection
Of manifest karma and healing!
Bring the power of wildness renewed and reborn!
Let it come rushing and flowing upon those who would destroy Nature and its children!
As a great green wave of life!
Great Wild Lord, banish the hate and blood and fire with growth and love
So that the wild children of fur and feather, fin and flight may be healed and free.
Lord of all Beasts! By all your names and powers, descend upon the destroyers,
Put to flight these twisted humans covered with blood and greed and destruction!
Fall upon them with all the terrestrial and celestial forces at your command!
With your divine fury and every possible weapon of push-back and protection COME!
Defend the wild animals and natural people! Protect us who love and cry for them!
Help give rebirth to the spirit of natural peace and unity and wild joy!
We howl in solidarity with our animal kin!
We bellow, trumpet, and roar for justice! For protection! For an end to the horror!
By the howls and growls, the lightning and thunder of our prayers and your archetypal power
We invoke the bestial powers of deep justice and balance, anger and righteous wildness!
By your love and power and will
which reflect our combined love and power and will
May our unity save the beasts of land and sea and air,
our feral brothers and sisters, our hearts and our hope for a whole and natural world!!
May their habitats be protected!
May their litters and cubs and hatchlings be protected!
May the assassins be blinded by all things wild and retreat to their self-created hells.
May the wildness in all ways and forms that is being attacked arise as one being,
Oh Wild god-self!
May all of living Nature come together and as One save the Wild Children from extinction!
May the collective pain and rage and bitter sorrow of all the slaughtered animals
and of us who are their kin
Arise NOW as YOU and repel the self-destructive onslaught
That is destroying all that is green and good and natural
May we thus save our wild animal kin, our fur and feather brothers and sisters,
our wild heart and joy.
Thus we invoke you O Lord of All Beasts,
Sentient Soul and power of all the wild creatures on the land and seas!
And all the habitats, wild places and ecosystems of our Mother!
You are the unity of wildness and life and survival
We call on you now to protect and defend that Life which makes you live!
Now is the time to awaken in power and focused fury and stop the killing
tNow is the time to defend against extinction and the fires of self destruction
You who have existed and grown and been honored by all tribes from the very beginning!!
Heed Now our prayers!
With burning Love and Rage and Sorrow and Hope
We invoke you here and now!
Save the Wild Children!
So May It Be!
-by 131