The Feral Magick


  1. The Wolves have always been here with us and within many of us. From Dire Wolves to Canis Lupus, the Great Wolf Spirit has existed and guided for over a million years; Our wolfish ancestors-kin did not fear The Wolf as did many hominids, from Homo habilis to Homo sapiens, a core of us felt love and kinship with the wolves and many of them felt the same, for we were bound by our genes and our feral fire. Soon we reached out of the paleolithic caves and bonded with our wolf kin about the fire while others huddled and watched us in wonder or fear, as they still do.


Today as in the ancient past, some of us feel the wolf awaken within us and accept our genetic blessing and awaken to the wolf-spirit within us as most other humans cower in fear or seek to ignore or eliminate us, The Great  Wolf Spirit through the wolves within us became our mentor, guide, teacher, and task master and we fed on this joy and power and awakened to being as wolves, one with Nature and accepted as such. We honored the wolves and the powers they embody. As the primate first wolf-men, we slept with our wolf kin and they protected us and the fearful tribes who feared the wolves but honored us as warriors and were-wolves and feared us as well, for we were one with the wolves as we are now. Over thousands of years we evolved together, watching in horror the fearful humans slaughtering our wolf kin and the forests and all of nature. And so we kept to the primal places, hiding our wild feral glory, for these small hateful humans swept across the earth slaughtering with cowardice and hate. Our ancient tribe dwindled as we were branded monsters, witches, abominations and so learned to hide and walk as wolves in the dark forests. So our numbers dwindled, but survived. Keeping unique we have woven wolf and human spirits ever more and become cunning, clever and stealthy but always with love of Nature and guided by the Wolf Spirit. As the purges and slaughters begin to fade away, we now begin to emerge from the wildness, the secrets awaken, those who have forgotten the howling dream and open their feral hearts and so we emerge, stronger, wiser and full of joy as the Wolf Spirit guides us to emerge and reclaim ourselves.


  1. Long ago the normal humans honored us, though also feared and were in awe of us for we were the shamans, theriomorphs, spirit- workers and wolf walkers. We were the wolf-warriors and hunters and ‘ulf sark’ berserkers. We protected our people, even those who feared us, and we still protect them as is our geas, as the Wolf Spirit guided our will and way through the mystery and magick that the ancient wolves imbued in us. Those we protect even now also fear us, yet they were and are enthralled by us in tales and legends. Though they gave us honor as warriors, shamans and leaders, they are uneasy but deem us myths and stories as they once did about the fires in the caves. So once again we quietly awaken and arise as the hateful slaughter of our feral ancestors fade and ‘werewolves’ become but a scary story to shiver and laugh at. So we quietly awaken, shake off the lies and chains of the civilized repressive world, awaken our animalselves and shake free our fur and our teeth and claws and again howl and run in the forests as we begin to remember… Yet we can not forget the slaughter of our forefathers and so in the woods, in secret, we find one another and as we did in ancient times we form Packs as our Wolf mentors and elders and the Great Wolf Spirit guides us to awaken to the joy of wildness and howl together. Let the fearful ones tremble, but we are here to help them, not hurt them, but never again will they slaughter us. We protect the Earth and the wild ones and we will not ever hide again.


  1. The Great Wolf Spirit showed us for thousands of years how to calm the humans, how to help and protect the weak, be wild feral warriors, powerful shamans, and primal healers and protectors of Nature and kin. So the Wolf Spirit continues to aid humanity, even as we continue to work through the guidance of the wildness and the Wolf Spirit. Ever within our hidden packs our wolves leap with joy, as in the ancient world, even now the many gods and spirits awaken and are seen and understood by us because we are as they are, wild and open to all worlds and part of Nature. So we have ever kept within us the hidden fire of the sacred Wolf Spirit, thus honoring our hidden genetic mystery and wonder as the wer-wulf; for we are the ‘Human wolves,’ and as such we have always been accepted as sacred avatars and priests of the Wolf Spirit and of the magickal gods and spirits and powers of every golden age. So it has been, so it is again. We do so with honor and we remember the hate of the normals but we do not seek to hurt or kill them, for we are wiser, stronger and kinder to our kin even as wolves are. As wolves do, we do not hurt or kill except out of dire necessity.


  1. Yet there were always a few twisted wolves or outliers, just as in some wolf packs there have been at times a few sick or vicious wolves. As Wolves and Wolf Spirit taught us, such wolves have to be expelled or put down by the alpha and the pack, because, like sociopathic normal humans, they became full of self importance, hate and rage and like the sick lone wolves who kill the pups they broke the most basic rules of the Pack. They act like the worst psychotic humans, not like wolves. Werwolves, like wolves, have a deeply primal ancient code of honor, to protect the weak and those who go rogue and attack the weak are shunned at the very least; such wolves can not be accepted as they poison the pack and endanger the pack as well.


  1. Here then are the ancient rules- these are still the rules of all wolves and wer-wolves: 

Be honorable, all humans are kin, all are part of our feral family

Foremost protect the pack with kindness, clarity, love and strength.

Protect all humans also, but foremost Wer-kin.

In the pack, protect those who are loyal but weaker than others: all are one with the pack, all have worth, every Wer is different, strength is not everything nor is intellect, both guide the Pack.

Be ever vigilant and ferocious when needed, but loving, kind and protective towards the Pack and those who are Pack kin and other humans who honor our way and our love of Nature.

A wolf must never kill another wolf except for absolute dire necessity.

Hateful or twisted wolves poison the ethos of the Pack and endanger the Pack as well as the humans will hunt us down if one hateful Wer is caught. All who are violent or aggressive or egotistical in wolf packs should be mentored, helped or driven away. 

All in the Pack, but especially pups, are always to be loved, protected, guided and carefully watched. All are accepted as they are, no matter their nature or the way they chose to live their lives. Freedom and unity are for all in the Pack and the wisest guide and help and mentor.

Wolves are far more honorable and intelligent than most humans: Wolves care for the pack but modern humans often think only of themselves, their things and their ego. They destroy Nature and slaughter out wolf kin. 

So; Ever Venerate the wild wolves of nature, meditate upon their careful loving lives, and be guided by the Wolf Spirit which fills all of us as well as it has from the dawn of time.


  1. On Alphas: The role of Alpha, as in wolf packs, can shift and ‘alphas’ can be male or female, as they are in wild wolf packs. Deal with it. The Pack’s Alpha is the ‘parent’ whose purpose is to guide, help, watch, teach, care for, admonish, heal, love and always guide the Pack and help keep it safe. The role of Alpha can shift to others when necessary. 

The Alpha in nature and among Wers is not the most vicious, or even the strongest, it is the one who the Pack trusts, honors, honors and most of all respects. 


  1. Wolves play! Werewolves should as well. Wolves and werewolves are intense but live for the physical interaction amongst each other, the unity and wild happiness of being together. Joy, caring, interacting with open hearts and sometimes tussling and fights, this is the happy wolf pack and Wer pack! Yes, this includes arguments, growling, some agro wrestling and yelling but calming and ending such tussles, especially among pups. This settling and calming is the role of the Alpha. When calm and understanding is brought to all in the pack, then all may be forgiven and healed. No bitterness should remains as the pack must always be One. For the Pack to survive, all should feel the love and unity of the pack or it can not nor will it survive. 

All have a say and a voice in the pack, all are worthwhile, the weakest and the strongest, each has his or her role and all are one and all support each other. When the pack is attacked or threatened in any way, all in the pack must be fully united and stand firm together and protect each member of the Pack as one would a brother or sister.


  1. There is a very ancient story about our origins. It is hard to say if it is true or not, but it has been told for eons, from the earliest circle fires until now. It echoes from most primal times, from many different cultures and this is the story that may tell us how we came to be as we are.

It is said that the earliest humans such as Homo habilis, who bonded with wolves eons before homo sapiens emerged, slowly over many years became closer to the wild wolves. Our more feral ancestors began to share food with the wild wolves and came to love them, though not all humans loved the wild wolves, they feared them. Those who bonded with the wild wolves helped them feed and take care of their pups, and in turn the wolves helped guard the tribe in their cave. Though many feared the wolves, as they became accustomed to the ‘tame’ wolves thy accepted,  but the more feral humans always loved them. 

There are many such apocryphal  stories about how this came to be and some say that the love between some of the bravest men and women of the primitive tribes feeling kinship with the wolves began to love them and ancient stories say that sometimes that love became something more. They spoke of men and women ‘laying with wolves’ and with a deep burning love as humans have with each other when the fire of lust grows. There are tales of these unions and of the occasional resulting wolfish children. In legends some countries speak of the royal lineage of their earliest kings or queens mated with wolves or begotten by wolf-human unions.  a simple search online will show you the truth! Many cultures even today point proudly of having rulers who were part wolf. 

Thus some of us today may very likely have retained that sacred uniting within us. Maybe this explains why some of us just know we are Werewolf, even as children. Yet most humans will never feel or become aware of the wild, wolfish intensity burning within us. We who are wer-wolves often know what we are, even though we may not understand it clearly when we are young., but we know we are filled with wild energy. Most humans never will get this nor can they comprehend the wildness that burns within us.

Yet we can find each other.

Like knows like, like finds like. We begin to know what we are, though in this cage of a culture, it can take time. This is why we who are Wer have to help each other awaken to what and who we are and help each other emerge from the shackles of the ‘normal human’ existence. We are otherly joyous! We are kin.


  1. It is said that there are three kinds of Werewolves who evolved from the ancient times as primal werewolves as those who have the blood and the DNA from long ago. 

As Werewolf cults emerged from prehistory, and they have always been with us, such primal bonds we feel in our Packs today may very well have been part of the sacred Werewolf cults around the world. 

The first kind of werewolves that evolved are those who are born this way, always knowing deep down that they were feral, part wolf, but lost until they found their Werewolf kin.

This is the first origin of our clan. Maybe werewolves emerged with human-wolf matings, but many of us have always known what and who we are and have or soon let emerge primal physical Werewolf aspects.


The second kind of werewolves that emerged from ancient times were the Shaman werewolves- those who were born amongst spirits, who spoke to the Spirits and who bonded with and learned from the Wolf Spirit (and other spirits) in deep trances, as such shamans do today. There  are many wolf shamans even now. They learn to ‘leave their bodies’ and be shown the mysteries of the  Spirits,  and the rites of shapeshifting, many through the Wolf spirit. Such shamanic animistic feral shamans  learn to moves and skills as wolves do. from the Spirits they learn the right herbs and rites and then teach the new shapeshifter shamans the rituals. In ancient Europe, the focus was was primarily the Wolf Spirit along with other primal feral Spirits as the Spirits whispered to them and showed them mysteries and took them into the Other realm and helped them transform and teach, heal and help the tribe find game. Wer-wolf- shamans tutored and helped the natural human werewolves and allayed the fears of the normal tribe members. They taught the spiritual paths and ways of the Other world of the Spirits as well as the way of the primary Spirits like the Wolf Spirit as the ancient wolves taught them. There are still many such shamans like this today that still follow the old ways and help their people. I’ve met them in rgw jungles of Guatemala, in the desert around Oaxaca, and I met and worked with Shamans from Siberia, the Nani Doro. They spoke to me of these things of which I have spoken. They are even now empowered by primal shifting and magick just as ancient half-animal shamans that can be seen on  Paleolithic cave walls. Though fewer, such primal Shamans still work with (and shapeshift) through the powers of many Spirit animal form in this way, many with the Wolf Spirit as well. 


The third kind of Werewolves are the Sorcerers and Magickal practitioners who seek the mystery of becoming Wer, though it is not in their blood. They are few, secret,  and dedicated. Not of Wer blood, they have a deep, intense yearning to master sorcery, spells and magick and learn how to to become a Werewolf as are indicated in ancient occult books full of spells on how one can become a Werewolf: One spell is to become a Wer-wolf by drinking from the pawprint of a wolf, another shows a chant using a copper knife stuck into an ash tree, others explain doing special rites on the full moon and many many more, though most miss the real gnosis behind the Werewolf magick. However, those who are committed and intensely focus on practices or find mentors to help them are drawn to connecting with and opening to the call of the Wolf Spirit who embraces and mentors them. Even today some sorcerers or magickians who persevere in becoming wer-ewolves achieve success.


These then are the three kinds of Wer-ewolves: All of them are our brothers and sisters in fur and kin to the Werewolf Packs and should be so honored. 


  1. The primal powers and blood of the Werewolf assembly should honor our Wolf blood and our Guiding Wolf Spirit and where we came from and who we are and what we are here to do and be. Every Werewolf and every Pack should honor the Wolf Spirit and the feral Wildness that fills each of us as. It was the ancient Wolves and their primal Wolf Spirit who still empowers us who brought to our forefathers union between many the primal Wolves and Humans. In the ancient times millions of years ago it was the animistic Spirits of Nature who were venerated  and helped and guided the early hominids. The earliest mystics and shamans  embraced the Wolf Spirit as they embraced the wolves, and so some of us are still filled with the Werewolf power today. 

As werewolves we came from such beginnings to honor the Earth and Nature and such Spirits, but much needs to be relearned as the Wolf Spirit whispers to every Wer. We are a wild part of the forests,  the mountains, the rivers and the fields for for this is where we roam and run and howl under the moon and stars with joy! To unleash our werwolf power  is the core that sets us free and open so we may fully become the feral spirits we have always been! In this way we can escape the sad, gray prison of the normal humans so we can run free in the forests,  our real true home. 

The tribal peoples, the Native peoples, The primal peoples; those who live in the forests, on the coasts, in the mountains and plains, free and one with Nature; they are our kin, they cary the ancient wisdom, be they werewolves or not, they are still wise to the shapeshifting and the Spirits. The ethos of our Packs exist within such wisdom of the wolfish Natural world, but there is much ancient wisdom to learn or remember. 

So we emerge and grow in numbers and power! 

Always be wild and well! AWOOOO!


Lykos, Full Moon May 2024

Author: Werewolf Magick & Werewolf Pack Magick



This is the way of it. 

The Great Wolf Spirit came to me abruptly as I was in a deep trance and told me that these words must be written, so they have been. Excuse errata and errors, such are trance states:) Make of it what you will. More and more werewolves are emerging as we are mostly done with the dark times when werewolves were attacked and slaughtered. However such hate is not gone. The Wolf Spirit first came to me many years ago as I was considering ending this life and he guided and taught and showed me how to unleash my inner wolf, my animalself. Now I am free of what I was, I am a Werewolf I have always  known I was, but which I was forced to suppress. Today newly emerging werewolves are appearing and have contacted me because of my books, but I am nothing special, just an historian and a writer . I’m just a Werewolf who the Wolf Spirit guided so these are not only my words, they are the words that came to me through the Wolf Spirit and from my inner wolf- make what you will of my words, many normal humans think me delusional or mad- so be it. Many of you reading this understand.

I am but the one who howls on the full moon when I tear off my clothes and let the Werewolf wilderness fun filling me with joy and love of Nature and exuberant ferocity. I know that our time to reemerge and live the true feral life within us is now! 

One thing I have been told: We should always strive to be more wolf than human, for our wolf shows us how to be better wiser, more honorable people! 


